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Niall's POV- The next year we were at Louis's Halloween party I was dressed up as a cat dressed in all black with black cat ears and a black cat tail, Zayn was dressed as Batman and Harry was dressed as Robin  "You look so sexy Kitten." Harry said  "Thank you Daddy." I said blushing  "I agree you look so sexy Angel." Zayn said as I kissed my cheek "Thank you Zaynie." I said blushing again then Louis walked over dressed as Superman "Hey Ni could I talk to you upstairs for a second?" Louis asked  "Sure Boobear." I said as I quickly peaked my boyfriends on the lips then followed Louis upstairs and into the bedroom then he locked the door behind him "Why did you lock the door Lou?" I asked "Just so that no one interrupts us Ni." Louis said and I was starting to get scared "So what did you want to talk about Lou?" I asked  "First sit Ni." Louis said so I sat next to him on the bed "So here it goes Niall I love you." Louis said  "I love you to Boobear." I said   "No Niall I mean I love you love you more than a friend kind of love." Louis said and I was shocked I never knew that he felt that way about me ,but I didn't feel the same way sadly, but I didn't want to hurt my best friend  "Lou I'm sorry, but I just don't feel that way I mean I love you as a friend."  I said sadly Louis looked really sad and heartbroken " No it's ok Ni  understand." Louis said  "Are we ok Lou?" I asked  "Of course Ni." Louis said   "Good." I said then Louis moved closer to me as we looked at each other then Louis pressed his forehead to my forehead I was about to pull away when he grabbed the back of my neck as his lips crashed into mine I didn't kiss him back and I tried pulling away, but he wouldn't let me after a few seconds he pulled away then I pushed Louis away "I'm going back to Harry and Zayn and don't you dare touch me or talk to me." I said seriously and a bit angrily and I wouldn't even look at him as I walked over to the door all of a sudden Louis grabbed my arm as he turned me around to face him "Look Ni I'm sorry that was stupid please don't leave me your my best mate. Louis said  "I guess that I can forgive you Boobear." I said then Louis just smiled at he let my arm go "Lets go get a drink mate." Louis said  "Sounds good to me." I said as we walked out of the room and  back  downstairs as Louis went to go get us some drinks after a few minutes he came back with two beers and he handed one to me so I took it and I drank it though mine was a bit strong  also the taste was a bit off  "Lou this doesn't taste right." I said  "It's just a beer mate you'll be ok." Louis said  "Ok." I said since there was no reason not to trust my best friend so I just drank it and talked to Louis once I had finished my beer I felt sick and my vision seemed a bit cloudy  "Lou I don't feel good." I said  "That's not good Ni come on lets get you upstairs so that you can lay down." Louis said as he helped me upstairs and into his guest room as he laid me down on the bed "You ok Ni?" Louis asked I couldn't answer him for some strange reason I had no voice at all and I felt really dizzy "Just rest NiBear everything will be ok." Louis said after that I just fell asleep.

Taken and Loved (A Narry/Ziall) AUWhere stories live. Discover now