Trust is Tested

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Niall's  POV-  I woke up from a nap with Harry and Zayn  "Did you have a good nap Kitten?" Harry asked  "Yes Daddy." I said "I'm glad Kitten." Harry said as he kissed my cheek lightly "I love you so much Kitten." Harry said   "I love you to Daddy." I said as we made out after we stopped making out we just smiled at each other  "Kitten could you run downstairs to get some wine please?" Harry asked  "Sure Daddy." I said as I got out of the bed and I walked downstairs and I found some red wine so I walk about to walk back upstairs when all of sudden I heard a muffle sound coming from the closet  so I put the wine down on a chair as I walked over to the closet and I opened the door and I was shocked to see Louis who was tied and there was a layer of tape over his mouth and he looked surprised to see me  "Hold on Boobear I'll be right back I'll get you out of here I promise." I said  as I turned around and I saw Harry standing there "Why is my best friend tied up and gagged in that closet Daddy why?" I asked as angry tears appeared in my eyes  "Listen Kitten he was breaking into our home so I knocked him out and I tied him down to a chair and then Zayn had to shut him up because we couldn't have him being loud and attracting attention." Harry said  "You mean so that he wouldn't attract my attention and I can't believe that I trust you and Zayn you know what don't touch me or talk to me and I'm sleeping in the guest room and let him go." I yelled angrily  as I walked past him and upstairs into the guest room and I laid down on the bed and I cried as I was angry at Zayn and Harry because I trusted them and they kidnapped my best friend. An hour later Zayn knocked on the door "Angel we are really sorry and we will let your friend go if you come out and talk to us come on Angel please i can't stand my sweet little Angel being angry with me." Zayn said through the door and I almost opened the door, but I couldn't bring myself to because I was really angry at them and I just needed my space right now because I didn't know what to think or even If I should still trust them "Leave me alone Zaynie." I said I didn't get a reply I just heard a sniffle and then his footsteps went back upstairs though I felt bad for making Zayn upset, but they shouldn't have done what they did to Louis either since that wasn't right and they never even told me about him at all which made me really angry that they kept a huge secret from me and it would take me awhile to forgive them and I still love them even though I couldn't trust them right now. I will get my best friend out of here one way or another and Harry and Zayn won't stop me I will make sure of that Louis is safe and out of harms way because he was the most important person to me.  Zayn came in around dinner time and he set my dinner on the night stand, but I wouldn't even look at him "Have a goodnight Angel and I'm really sorry ,but I'll give you give some time I love you Niall." Zayn said as he walked out of the room. After he left I started crying again because I wanted to go to Zayn,but I just couldn't right now even though I knew in my heart that I would forgive them for what they did to Louis ,but it still hurts a bit because I've trusted them so much and I had so much love for them in my heart that I  just couldn't hate them. I ate dinner alone then I fell asleep after-while even though I hated the feeling of being alone, but I had to talk to them in the morning.  The next morning I walked into their room and they both looked at me "Hi." I said  "Hi Kitten." Harry said  "Hi Angel. Zayn said  "Look Listen I'm not happy at you guys for doing what you did to Louis, but I also love you both to much to hate you though could you let Louis go and could you two start over with him cause it would go a long way towards me forgiving you two." I said seriously  "Of course Kitten." Harry said as he walked out of the room and he came back into the room after fifteen minutes with Louis who I hugged right away "Hey Boobear are you ok?" I asked   "Yeah Ni I'm alright." Louis said as he hugged me tighter. After-while we stopped hugging I looked over at Harry and Zayn "We are sorry for keeping you here against your will Louis as well as knocking you out, and tying up and gagging you ,but we would be really grateful if we could start over since we would love to get know our boyfriend's best friend." Harry said  "I guess that I can forgive you guys and I'm sorry for breaking into your house I was just worried about Niall." Louis said  "It's alright." Zayn said so after we talked over breakfast Louis liked Zayn and Harry a bit more after that Louis took me up into the guest room "Niall I don't trust those two and I think that you should come with me." Louis said  "No Lou I can't I love them." I said seriously "How can you love those men they kidnapped you and they held me here against my will come on Ni lets go home." Louis said  "No Lou I'm sorry I can't I really do love them and I know what they did, but they are really nice and they love me Lou please just give them a chance and I don't understand why you won't support my happiness Louis you're my best friend I thought that you'd be happy for me." I said a little hurt  "Niall I'm happy for you I just don't trust them ,but I guess that I can try for you though if they ever hurt you I'll kick their asses  and I'm sorry Ni I just don't want you to get hurt cause your my little Nibear." Louis said   "Awww Louis it's ok and thank you." I said  "Anything for my Nibear." Louis said as he hugged once we stopped hugging then Harry walked into the room "Is Everything ok in here Kitten?" Harry asked  "Yes Daddy." I said "Good." Harry said as he walked out of the room. Louis and I walked into the living room where Harry and Zayn were "I forgive you guys." I said  "Thank you Angel." Zayn said "You are welcome Zaynie I'm sorry that I upset you the other day." I said as I hugged him "It's ok Angel you had every right to be mad at us, but I'm just glad that we are ok now Angel." Zayn said as he kissed my cheek then I sat on his lap feeling happy and much better than yesterday now that everything was ok between Zayn, Harry, Louis and I. 

Taken and Loved (A Narry/Ziall) AUWhere stories live. Discover now