I Don't Want to Know

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"Lindsey did you hear me? Are you paying attention?" my eyes re-focus on the object in front of me it's a beer glass sitting behind Stevie on a counter. Stevie...she's pregnant. Stevie's pregnant! How the hell-we needed hormone shots and an ovulation calendar the last time! I had to stop wearing underwear, taking hot baths, drinking, smoking grass...what happened? "How?" she looks like she's about to smack me on the forehead "What do you mean how? You were there" well I was sure, but I can't remember the specific date.

"Are you sure?" her face turns red "Of course I'm sure, I missed my period twice I took a test...I'm pregnant" I need to sit down. The kitchen table is the closest place to rest so I settle for that "Say something, anything. " I don't know what to say we just had a baby, and he's still in diapers "I don't know what to say...I'm shocked." This doesn't seem to assuage her "So are you upset? Because you seem upset" I'm not upset, I could never be upset about having more kids. Our eyes meet and I stand up again taking Stevie in my arms "I'm ecstatic sweetheart, just surprised. We've gone from impossible to conceive to difficult, and now we don't even have to try"

My lips find hers for a slow tender kiss, she sighs against my mouth "Linds, honey you're not angry are you?" I kiss her again to reassure her "Baby I couldn't be further from angry. Steph I told you a long time ago if you want I'll give you a hundred kids, as long as you're willing to have them with me" cupping her abdomen gently I hold her close to me "Lets start over okay? Tell me you're pregnant again" her forehead falls to my shoulder she lets out a small laugh.

Looking up she cups my face in her hands stroking my beard "I'm pregnant Lindsey", this time I pull her into my arms without hesitation. Lifting her petit body off the ground and into my arms my lips capturing hers in a heated embrace "Oh, Stevie baby that's wonderful" she chuckles against my neck as I swoop her into my arms carrying her to the bedroom "Lindsey!" kissing her again I lay her on the bed. I am happy truly happy. And I feel like a jerk for seeming disappointed before, "I mean that sweetheart I can't believe we're going to have another baby." Stevie shrugs playing with my collar "Maybe those fertility treatments worked better than we thought" it's plausible. We should still see a doctor to be sure.

"You seemed like you wanted to tell me something" I did? Oh right brain tumor...shit. I still need to tell her about it don't I. "Yeah...I think we should go with the country club for our venue. Sara really liked it, and I could tell you did too" Coward. Why didn't you tell her?

"Oh-that's great Linds" I kiss her again my fingers unbuttoning her top slowly. Her hands stop me and I feel a pang of hurt in my stomach "What's wrong?" she smiles up at me softly "As much as I'd love to be ravished by you tonight Mr. Buckingham I'm exhausted beyond belief. Can I get a raincheck?" disappointed but understanding I nod my head kissing her neck "Anytime...mommy".


"Sweet wonderful you,

You make me happy with the things you do-"

the track stops as Christine's voice trails off "I don't like it Ken it's a bit flat on the end can we do another?" Ken jots down some notes then rewinds the track "Sure Chris". She sips her wine while I retune my guitar "You okay babe?" Stevie nods taking a drink of tonic water "I'm fine hon" I reach over and stroke her cheek with the backs of my fingers. She fixes the ribbons on her tambourine readjusting herself on the stool. It's backless...her back hurts. Standing I rest my guitar against the wall and find her another stool with a tall back.

"Here sweetheart" she blushes and thanks me as she takes a seat, as a final touch I find a throw pillow and rest it behind her "Comfy?" she smiles up at me and I kiss her nose going back to my seat "We ready?" Ken glares at me I glare back "Yeah". This is the second song of Christine's that we've worked on, I wasn't really around through most of the production. To me it's pretty good, it could be better. As it is we're working on the finishing touches

Fleetwood Mac-Part III of Fritz SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now