Frozen Love

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***A/N so this is it! The third part of the Fritz series. I'm not going to say it's necessary to have read Fritz or Buckingham Nicks to understand what's going on. But I will say it's probably instrumental to not being confused. My standard content warning applies, smut, drugs, rock and roll behavior, violence, and language will all play some part in this story. The tone is more in line with Fritz than Buckingham Nicks, so not so dark but not everything is going to be sunshine and roses, just a heads up. I don't own any recognizable stuff, I'm making no money off this, the idea and original characters and situations belong to me. Otherwise this is a fan fiction portraying fictionalized versions of real people. No offense or infringement is intended. The timeline of this story will be Rumors thru Mirage so approximately 1976-1983. Sara is five at the beginning and Nova is just shy of seven months As always thanks for reading, rating and commenting! ***

January 1976

"Lindsey what on earth are we doing here?" the chill air flutters threw Stevie's long blonde hair, the curls from the salon drooping somewhat after an eight hour work day. Mick's got it in his head that we're going to record our new album at the infamous but surreal Record Plant in Sausalito, and the first sessions we had today were grueling. It's hot, dark, despondent, crowded with hangers on and groupies, rife with tension, and cocaine. Piles of it, and I do mean piles. I can't turn the corner without someone offering me a bump, or a toot or a line. I've said no so many times people have started calling me Lindsey Boy scout. Mick can't get enough of the stuff, and it's the only thing keeping John and Chris civil toward each other at the moment.

I feel bad for the other three. Mick's wife, Jenny, has apparently been having an affair. Which I can't say I blame her for. She's married to Mick "The Professional Hedonist" Fleetwood, he's had more than a few dalliances since I've known him. But apparently in his bizarre worldview, it's okay for a man to cheat if he's got a high enough libido. But a wife should set a good example, especially a wife and mother. I call bullshit and hypocrisy. Stevie and I, on the other hand, are in the process of getting our vows renewed and having a massive ceremony to go along with it.

Not that we're trying to rub our happy marriage in anyone's face. We've been through a lot together, more than most people ever will. But the fact that we're as strong and loving as ever is a bit of a sore spot apparently with the others. I'd love to manufacture some drama for them, but that's not in our character. We fight when we fight, and it's not on anyone's schedule but our own.

"I think Mick is going for some kind of Gothic moodiness for the new album, this place looks like a crypt. Richard and Ken are even creeped out by it." Ken Caillat and Richard Dashut are the two "producers" for our album. I've been told gently but with no room for argument that I'm strictly a performer and I have next to no creative control on our output. Richard seems to be the lesser of the two evils, and I can actually have a beer with him. Something about Ken though...I feel like he's a cool guy to talk to. But he gives me Javier vibes.

Stevie leans against my shoulder as I finish my joint, passing the last of it to her. She takes a long drag then drops it to the sidewalk crushing it out "They could at least put in some windows, I keep bumping into walls" kissing her cheek I wrap an arm around her shoulders "Well sweetheart that's partially because you're blind as a bat without glasses" she scoffs looking up at me "I am not! I can see just fine, I only need glasses when my eyes get tired".

Stevie's been wearing glasses since she was in high school, but because it's the one vanity she allowed herself for years she hides them away in her purse most of the time. It's one of the reasons she always lets me drive...aside from being a not so great driver. "If you say so babe-where'd that taco truck go?" she rolls her eyes at me "Now you have the munchies...we still have a good six hours of work left today Linds, you can't go into stoner mode just yet" I disagree, I can be stoner Lindsey twenty-four hours a day. I'd get fuck all done except smoking, watching cartoons and eating cereal but I think I could do it.

Fleetwood Mac-Part III of Fritz SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now