I'm Not Jealous

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I'm a jealous man by nature. That should come as no surprise to anyone who's known me over the years. I hate it when guys hover around Stevie, I hate it when they flirt with her at parties like I'm not standing right next to her. I hate it when I hear them talking about how sexy she is, how sweet, how kind...I hate when the speculate what positions she likes. Old Lindsey usually lost the plot entirely hearing shit like that, I've punched a lot of people in the name of jealousy. New Lindsey has to sit back and take it while secretly wanting to throttle the individual responsible. Of course when that person is your bandmate and he's high off his ass and can't see you it's worse.

I had a feeling long ago Mick had a thing for Stevie, he loves beautiful women and he's charming enough to get them on a regular basis. Poor Jenny finally chucked him to the curb at last so he's technically a free agent, and as a free agent he's getting as much action as he can lay his hands on. As it we were invited to a party at Christine's place, her beach boy lover Brian Wilson, an idol of mine, extending the invitation to me to play a few songs with him. Giddy like a school boy I ran to the car to get my guitar listening to Stevie's giggle at my fan boy tendencies all the way outside. Upon my return my wife is nowhere to be seen, but I imagine she's gossiping with Chris somewhere.

Rounding a corner in Christine's palace I stop in my tracks hearing Micks' lion like laughter his booming voice echoing about the room "You're telling me you've never tried it on with Stevie? Come on Mick, she's fucking gorgeous" Wilson eggs Mick on two loud snorts emitting from the room. Great someone brought out the powder. "I'll admit the lady has some...impressive assets. But she's married mate-" the assembled group chuckle heartily "When's that ever stopped you?" Mick giggles "I'll bet you a hundred bucks she'd turn you down flat" Fucking Ken...that asshole. Not content to fuck with me professionally he's apparently endeavored to piss on my personal life too.

"No one turns me down mate, I'm too much of a gentlemen to mess with a friend's wife" that's earns more laughter, usually silent John speaks up "You tried it on with Christine when we were first married" more laughter Mick clears his throat "Yeah...well that was just a test of her loyalty. She obviously sent me packing" I hear snickering from Ken again "So at least one woman's turned you down then". More grumbling. I don't know how much more I want to hear, on the one hand it's amusing that they think Stevie would sleep around on me but on the other it makes me mad that they'd try something. Any of them.

"Well what about you Ken? You've had a hard on for her since we did the last album" my neck twitches I knew it. "Yeah, but all she thinks about is her precious Lindsey. To her he's like Jesus, Buddha, and Paul McCartney all wrapped up in one" that's a bit of a stretch. "Hundred bucks, get Stevie to go to bed with you" Brian again. His hand slaps against the table the room goes quiet "What right now?" a small mutter of laughter "What's the matter? Don't think you can do it?" I can imagine Mick shuffling from one giant foot to the other shifting his weight in agitation "Of course I can, but-Lindsey's here I mean that'd be weird" yeah, I'd have to murder him in front of witnesses.

"Tell you what, we'll take care of Lindsey. You just do your thing with Steph...got it?" my neck burns my hand clenching the neck of my guitar angrily. That upstart son of a bitch, I expect Mick to laugh it off. To tell Ken and Brian to go to hell but rather than do the sensible thing. The thing that will keep him alive he does the opposite "Right, well challenge accepted" I don't believe this shit. More laughs and shuffling, well this should be interesting. Shifting my guitar to my shoulder I put on my most innocent of looks whistling as I enter the room "Found it! You ready to play a few?" a guilty shuffle of men move about the room. John lowers his cap on his eyes avoiding looking at me, Mick rubs the back of his neck "Yeah, come on Chris has her studio in the basement"

Fleetwood Mac-Part III of Fritz SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now