24/08/2017 ©

408 4 6

Let It Go...

Y/ns POV.

Michonne told us that we were going to Alexandria.

No if, no buts, we're going.

I'm actually kind of proud of her, no one really has stood Rick up and told him what to do and when it's happening exactly.

We have just arrived and I'm guessing we're not trusting anyone yet. I wouldn't blame them, I'd be cautious until we got to know the people. But I have a really good feeling about this place. I think a few others do to, glad I'm not the only one.


We all slept in Judith, Rick and Carl's house, it's really really nice, I've always wanted a house like this. If you can call it a house, it looks like a mansion.

Yesterday most of us took a shower to.

This place is so cool!

It has everything!

Well... Just about...

I've been told not to get my hopes up about this place.

I want to, I know it's a bad idea though. We are eventually gonna have to leave. I know it, not just yet, bit soon enough.

This place is so amazing it's gonna come soon, the time will fly by. So I'm listening to Carol and not getting settled in.


Carl and I were walking around the neighborhood with Judith in her new pram. She loves it, and the neighbors love her.

While we were talking and showing Judith around Rick came and ran up to us, he said that there was people around Carl and I's age. Not gonna lie, that got me pretty excited.

The lady that was with Rick said that her son and his friends were dying (no pun intended) to meet us.

That made me even more excited.

The thought of having possible friends made me a little hyper. It's like that frozen song, Let It Go, I really needed to conceal, don't feel, don't let them know. When I'm hyper, I'm crazy and that's bad for first impressions.

I walk up the stairs hiding behind Carl's shoulder, he just gave a cute little laugh.

When we got up to the very top of the stairs I think we both became 10x more shy because they were talking and we just stood there. Probably looking really weird. The first words that were said by either of us was by Carl and he asked if the comic was anyone's. We obviously weren't gonna hand it back until we had both finished it.

We sat on the floor for about an hour until we decided to head time because it was getting slightly darker. The boys said bye and Enid just shrugged, I don't think she likes me or Carl, oops.

We are all going to sleep on the floor again but I don't care, I really think we are gonna be safe here.

This is really shitty you don't even have to vote or anything please, someone just one person send me a request, also I forgot to mention two things. 1)I will be updating every other day, I don't have a specific routine yet and 2)I follow everyone who has sent in a request to :))

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