28/08/2017 ©️

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Letters To My Love.

Dear y/n,


ts been a while, y/n, since the prison got overruled. I still believe you're out there, looking for us, just like we're looking for you.

I really miss you, fuck, everyone does, you're all that is on my mind right now, nothing has changed or will change that either. Dad says that we will find you and won't stop looking until we do.

I think it is only because I was really upset and locked myself in our room for a while. I know it was the worst thing to do in a time like this, but for a while I started starving myself and becoming dehydrated. I just couldn't let anyone see me in the state that this whole blur left me. I probably look so weak to people.

I've started eating again, drinking and talking to a few people, dad, Judith, Daryl, Maggie and Glenn, only them though.

Daryl and I haven't had a civilised conversation with him in a while, all we talk about is you. We both really miss you a lot, whenever someone mentions your name or something that reminds us of you, we all walk separate ways, and I guess the others do the same thing as what I do and cry.  

I can't help but think about you.

I found your necklace hanging on a tree, broken, so I took it, dad and Daryl helped me fix it.

Now I wear it everyday, along with our hoodie. The one that we always shared and one day it stunk of your sweet vanilla perfume and the next my cologne. And whatever day it stunk of perfume it was mine and the day that it stunk of cologne, it was yours.

Sorry for the tear stained paper. I can't help it, I really really miss you.

I love you y/n, don't forget that.

Love Carl Xxxxxxxxxxxxx


I get my bag ready to go on a run with Daryl and Glenn, even though Daryl knows the only two reasons why I actually tag along. 1) to find y/n and to look for hints and 2) to drop off my letter.

Daryl knows I stand on top of a tree and when a gust of wind comes along I drop the letter addressed to y/n and hope that it somehow reaches her.

I pray, I really do.


Do you like this one?

If you do I'm thinking about making a part 2. I'm unsure though.

I have a new book called The Walking Dead Dairy, if you don't mind checking it out, it would mean the world to me.

I love you guys a lot.


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