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Sorry this one doesn't exactly involve you, but I'm a hardcore bitch who stayed up till 4 am to watch McGregor VS Mayweather and placed a £20 bet on Mayweather even though I am only 13, BY THE WAY I AM ELLIE AND I AM TAKING CREDIT FOR THIS IMAGINE CAUSE HOE HOE HOE, I WROTE LIKE ANOTHER ONE ON THIS ACCOUNT TO AND HELPED DANI WRITE THE WALKING DEAD DIARIES SO CHECK THAT BOOK OUT AND FOLLOW ME AND MY FRIENDS' FAN ACCOUNT CAUSE IM A NEEDY WHORE ANYYYYYYWAYYYY  @katchowbitches

                                            Ron VS Carl

Ron's POV...

Ever since Rick and his team has got here everything has went to shit.

I mean, he even shot my dad, what an asshole. I hate them.

And I swear that prick, Carl, is trying to take Enid from me, they're bad news. The whole fucking group. 


Carl keeps walking past my house with a little kid. I'm not bothered, it is the fact that he's strutting like he owns the place.

Just wait...

I sit outside on the porch and wait for him to pass again, it takes another ten minutes but it is worth it. 

"Hey, asshole."

Carl carried on walking.

"Carl." I said raising my voice louder.

This time his head shot around and I stood up and started walking towards him. He dropped the grip of the pram and turned around, smiling at me.

Urgh, I fucking hate that smug smile of his, when I get down there I will slap it off his face.

"Hey, Ron," He said, acting all nice.

"Look, I'm not here for lovey-dovey things, push that shit away and stop acting. Listen, I'm sick of YOU, I'm sick of your DAD and I'm sick of your whole TEAM, walking around here like you all fucking own the place," I said raising my voice everytime it came to some sort of name.

"Hey, we don't think we own the place. My dad, he might try to take some sort of control around here as before all of this happened he was a sheriff and before we came here he was in charge of our group for a while." He explained.

"Yeah, well, see. Your dad killed my dad." I said trying to keep in my tears.

"But the thing is your dad was an asshole, you saw what he could do to your mom, Sam and you,"He said stating the facts that were actually true.

"I don't care, at all, really, I fucking hate you," I said trying to start a fight, he was really pissing me off, no one shit talks my family.

"Okay, we all have our opinions," He smiled innocently after finishing the sentence and turned around to go and grab the pushchair.

Before he could do so I grabbed the neck of his shirt and pulled him around to face me. 

He did nothing but stare into my eyes, sending threatening looks. But I will hesitate to back down.

Carl's Point Of View.

I know he's looking to start a fight. I mean, I will beat the shit out of him but I don't want to because of Judith, I'm scared for her.

I turned around about to take a hold of the pushchair but I can't because Ron stopped me by grabbing the top of my shirt.

He kept his hand there and didn't move, I didn't either, none of us said anything but I was trying to stare him out, not wanting any hassle. 

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