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(You and Carl are like 14 when this was taking place.)

"Come on dad, you know you want to," My twin brother shouted from the bottom of Hershel's garden.

"Please dad," I pleaded, hoping to get a yes from him.

"Fine, but you have to be back just before it gets dark, and if you get into any trouble that you can't handle yourselves shout. We'll never be too far away." Dad said, sighing, obviously giving up as Carl and I had been asking to go and play in the river with our friends for the past half an hour or so.

I squealed out of excitement and skipped towards Carl with a huge grin plastered across my face.

"I can't believe he actually agreed," Carl said in disbelief.

"I can, if we bugged him enough and gave him the puppy eyes, it would've been a straight yes." I say proudly.

"Well, we know what to work on next time," Carl winked and I chuckled slightly.

As we walked down towards the woods, I started to become cautious, I've never been in the woods without an adult, and even with one it still scared me.

"You know, you shouldn't be scared of this now," Carl spoke, his voice being slightly raspy from not saying a word since we left the garden.

"I can't help it, the woods have always frightened me, even before the breakout, and you know that," I muttered.

"I'm here though, and through thick and thin I will always be here to protect to, and dad, and everyone else here." Carl affirmed

Wow, he probably really was the greatest 3-minute older big brother anyone could ever ask for. I don't know what I'd do without him.

"are you coming to what?" Carl questioned.

"Urm... Yeah, thanks, for the eh, talk," I replied, still sounding unsure.

"no problem, here," Carl said while motioning his hand for me to grab it.

I took the offer and giggled as we were running through the woods, forgetting the instinct that the woods was terrifying.

We were running as fast as we possibly could, hand in hand, laughing and having what seemed like the time of our lives.

We passed a few more trees and we finally saw the river in sight.

Carl let go of my hand and ran towards the river, I chased after him.

I lay my towel down near a tree and looked up at the sky and started watching the clouds.

I felt myself begging to yawn, which meant I was becoming tired.

I stood up and brushed the dirt off my legs, looking to the left and seeing Carl do the same.

"Hey, where is everyone at?" Carl asked.

I didn't reply, I just shrugged my shoulders and spotted a note stuck on with sticky tape.

I walked over and took the note down, trying not to put in a rip or tear.

Hey, Carl and Y/n, we decided to go in the woods and play there as the water was freezing when we were there, I wrote the note at 10:30 so, by the time you get this we could literally be anywhere, so I don't know if you should risk coming out and finding is, and we know how much you wanted to play in the river anyway.

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