19/08/2017 ©

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Who ~ You (Y/N) and most of the main characters.
Where ~ Prison
Plot ~ You were on a run having fun.


Y/n's POV.

"I've never quite met people like you all" I said breaking the awkward silence of the car journey.

"Well then, you should thank yourself lucky you stumbled upon us." Daryl replied back

"Don't worry, I thank my lucky stars every night" I tell Daryl sounding way less sarcastic than I had intentionally planned.

"She's not even joking I hear her talk almost every night" Carl my bunk mate blurts out.

"Yeah and that's probably my dream," I say back with a scoff added onto the end.

Glenn does a small little chuckle at our minor argument back and forth and tells us that we will be here soon.

We are all heading to target to get some supplies and stuff (someone please make the joke).

I have decided that I am also not just going to get supplies but to get some games if I can.

I have pockets, 2 backpacks and hopefully there will still be some carrier bags.

Time skip to target...

We walked in the already open automatic doors and start scavenging around for as many relevant items we can find.

I head off to the left by myself. Which I like actually because then I can skid around all the isles and play like a little kid without anyone watching.

Or so I thought.

I quickly grabbed my knife and dug it deep into the walkers  letting it fall to the floor and swim in the pile of blood it left behind.

I walk back down the isle and try to pick up anything I missed from the shelf or floor.

Most of here is cleared out so I decide to be a kid again, up and down each isle skidding either on my feet or my knees. I drop to my knees and skid round the corner going surprisingly quite fast and unexpectedly crashing into Carl knocking him straight to the floor.

I sit up and start to laugh as Carl does the same, him and I have a very close bond, he's like a brother to me. But with the benefits, we act like a couple even though we are the bestest of friends.

"That's it, I'm gonna get you this time." Carl quietly bellows through a isle that I'm running down. He's chasing after me clutching onto his sheriff hat. I turn to the right and run past a few isles and then suddenly turn up one hoping that I had lost Carl off.


Oh shit, what can that be?

I start running towards the direction I heard the thump and see Rick and Carl bent over looking like they are laughing, I can't really tell because they aren't facing me. Either way, I sneak up the isle that the boys are in, trying to be as quiet as I can. I see a red faced Daryl and Rick and Carl are still bent over laughing. I run up the alleyway and jump onto Carl's back trying to tackle him to the ground.

"So much for getting me, huh?" I ask while still on his back.

"Yeah, well, I got Glenn and Daryl instead. The looks on their faces were priceless me and dad were in stitches." Carl says back taking the odd pause to contain himself from laughing.

I stop breathing for a few moments trying my hardest to tackle Carl to the ground. He was not having it. I didn't even have time to resist before I see Carl gently laughing and hovering above me.

"How's this for getting you, huh" he says quoting my previous statement.

"Right you two let's go!" Daryl's voice echo's through the shop.

Carl and I were just around the corner from Daryl and we're about to have another laughing attack.

Daryl walks towards the exit but doesn't get out before carl and I give him a quick fright.

On the way back in the car

"Carl 2, Daryl 0" I've lost track of how many times Carl has repeated that now.

"Just wait till you two get in," Daryl replies.

What a day.


I'm not sure on this one but it is my very first imagine so hopefully they will get better.

Qotd: who's your favourite character?

Aotd: I really love them all loads! But if I have to choose maybe Carl because he's like a proper bad ass and I can relate. But my preference changes over a while so :))

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           A writer that hasn't learnt to write yet X

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