Chapter 11: Artistic Pursue

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June 12th, 2010:

"Where does everyone want to go?" Nancy asked knowing that their time in the museum would be very limited in the end. The younger kids would grow to be tired and grouchy before too long, prompting them to leave even if there was much more to see.

Oliver jumped and punched the air in excitement, "Dinosaurs!"

"Roar!" Toby cried running after his brother before interrupting into giggles.

"All the animals!" Kelly was quick to pip up.

"Okay, okay." Nancy smiled, sometimes the children were simply too cute for words. She glanced at the map for the easiest route. Given that this museum was not only one for children, with interactive parts in the name of education, it also have a more historical side to it. "We'll start over here in the animal and then go see the dinosaurs, okay?"

With smiles all-round the three youngest were more than ready for an afternoon of adventures. Toby didn't even remember the last time they have visited, but he knew that dinosaurs are awesome.

The woman glanced over at her older daughter, not at all surprised to find her attached to her phone heavily once more. "Put it away, Mackenzie."

"But Mom," the girl started to protest. Her friend Jessie had just gotten a new puppy and the pictures of it where simply too cute. She would rather look at that than some dusty old stuff any day.

"Now," Nancy replied sternly, the girl would like the museum if she would just put the phone down.

"Ugh," The pre-teen huffed, doing as she was told.

"Come on, it's fun here," Andrew stated poking her in the head teasingly. He at least had fond memories of running around much like

"Logan, you don't have to come with us dear," Nancy added, knowing that the teen was likely to be very upset if he didn't get a chance at the art wing. "Why not go look at that you want?"

"Sure," Logan mumbled, glancing over the map. His eyes flickering over the details of the featured exhibits. He knew exactly where he wanted to go first.

Andrew noticed the slight sag in Logan's shoulders, "I'll go with him."

He curious about this reaction, given that the teen was the whole reason they were there. Apparently there was some new exhibit opened that Logan had been pushing for them to visit for weeks now. Of course none of the younger children would have the interest or the patience for it. However, Nancy figured that it wouldn't be a bad way to spend a Saturday anyways.

"Sounds great." She replied quickly, seeing the slight frown on Logan's face. While Nancy would appreciate Andrew's help greatly with the other children, she would much rather see her oldest boys get some bonding time. "We'll meet back here at noon."

"Come on slow poke," Andrew teasing said.

Logan rolled his eyes, Andrew always had to be so annoying. "I am."

While the others were off to the land before time, the two boys pushed their way through the art wing, Logan more or less charging off towards the center. Andrew actually had to struggle to keep up and not become distracted by all the early civilization art they were passing in the process.

"You don't want to stop, Bud?" Andrew inquired, rather surprised. He knew the teen was hyped, but this was ridiculous. They had just passed the Italian resonance.

"I will after 'Future of Art'." Logan answered with giddy excitement, "It's not going to be here forever."

"Well I doubt it'll move before we get to it." Andrew huffed out.

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