Chapter 8: Hungover Fool

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Logan groaned from his position on the floor and held his head. He was positive that he had never had a headache quite like this before. Regretfully he was awake and suffering from his choices the night before. If he had even managed a little sleep he was sure it would not hurt so much.

Vaguely he could hear footsteps growing louder as they came towards his direction. He held a small hope that it was his mother, or Mackenzie. As long as it wasn't Andrew he felt as though it would be fine. The elder was without a shadow of a doubt pissed after getting a call early in the morning for a ride home. That was sure to be his biggest blunder.

Stopping in front of the teen's door, Andrew took a deep breath. He was furious with his younger brother for smelling like a brewery when he went to pick Logan up over half an hour minutes away. But, he was going to try his best not to blow up on the miscreant. He had incorrectly assumed that he the child would wait until he was actually in high school before trying to drink.

The man pounded on the door in an attempt to stir Logan if he was still trying to sleep off his late night adventures. "Logan, you better open this door." His tone carried an underlining threat, Andrew was not in the mood to put with any games.

Peeling himself off the floor and out from under the safety of his massive amount of blankets was a struggle for the boy. Rubbing his eyes to adjust to the light, he tried to shake what grogginess he could in preparation for the scolding that was to come. Logan fumbled with the lock, his head pounding as he tried to remember when he even locked it.

Nibbling on his lip, the teen thought about how much trouble he was likely in.

The man looked down at his brother, who looked to be in rough shape. The youngster's with dark circles under his half-lidded eyes and hair that was nothing but a ruffled mess, sticking up in all direction. A small voice in Andrew's head was telling him to let the child sleep if off some more, but a much louder one was still too angry to care how Logan was feeling at the moment.

"Just how stupid are you?" Andrew exploded as soon as he entered the room, waving his hands wildly. "How irresponsible? You are fourteen for god's sake!"

Logan winced at the loud tone, it had already felt like someone was pounding on his head with a hammer before Andrew started yelling. Looking down at his bare feet and curling his toes, the boy figured he would just have to take whatever punishment was coming his way; based off of the elder's mood there was going to be no mercy.

"Why did you do it?" Andrew thundered down at him.

The boy opened his mouth to answer, but not even a squeak came out. He was at a lost for what to say. There was no way for him to answer to without adding fuel to the fire.

When he had over heard about the party, no one had mentioned that there would be drinking. Logan could hardly answer why he did it himself, other than because everyone else was doing it. And, for a few minutes it felt like the others were accepting him. Up until everything went sour.

Andrew was not going to take any form of disobedience from the child. He grabbed the Logan's arm and turned him around enough to spank his bottom. "I. Expect. An. Answer!" The elder stated, punctuating each word with a harsh smack.

"Agh" Logan cried, trying to break away. The teen really couldn't remember the last time his big brother was so angry with him. "I'm sorry!" he whined out pitifully, knowing there was nothing else to really say.

Allowing the child one last chance, Andrew held the child by the shoulders and into the child's blue eyes with complete seriousness. "I want an answer. Now."

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