Chapter 15: Ooh La, La, Gala

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January 7, 2011 

Nervously, Logan adjusted his tie as he glanced around the spacious room. He knew without the need of a warning to be on his best behavior here. Not that his mother or Andrew had said much on the matter, both weren't all that sure what to expect either. However, Nancy had been sure to embarrass him as much as possible about how "handsome" he looked before leaving. In retrospect, he was glad that it had been Michael that took him to get a new suit and not her.

In a room full of art community members, Logan had thought he would feel more at ease. Andrew had of course offered to go with him, but the teenager didn't want his big brother hanging around. He was slightly regretting being so adamant about that now, as being alone in such a big place was making him both nervous and bored.

The majority of the room was adults, though a few other kids and teens were around. Ben had already informed him that many of these people were wealthy and it was important to impress them. In doing so, there was a chance of them offering money for his work. Logan was sure that he would mess up.

The adults that he had sat with attempted some conversation. It had all been so boring though, he only answered out of politeness. Logan was getting that same feeling as the last time they had seen their extended family for a picnic a few years back.

Dinner had been easy enough to sit through, for the most part it had been dull speeches and talking from the adults. The teenager wondered if everyone really like sitting through all the boring awards being announced.

The only part that held his attention was when they mentioned the youth artist in the community. The various pieces had been brought to the stage and auctioned off after the announcer had given a little background to the artist.

"Windy Day" had sold for nearly two grand impressively, as it was the only one to get such a high price. According to Ben, who was doing most of the talking for this part, the young artist and her family had been a part of this museum for nearly a decade now. Logan idly wondered if that's why her skills were above him.

"Out last piece, "Small View" was created by Logan Anderson." Ben said, pausing for the obligatory round of applause.

Of course at his table, the adults ogled him. Logan blushed and tried to keep his attention to the stage. This awkwardness would pass soon enough. In that moment, he was glad that his mother wasn't around, she would've been so annoying. So proud, but also so smothering. And Andrew would've only teased him about it forever and a day.

Ben smiled, seeing the recognition on several people's faces near the stage, "Some of you may have known his parents. It seems young Logan is as good with a brush as Dalton was at telling stories."

Those that knew Dalton, which was close to half the room, laughed at that. Though the man had left their community some time ago, he was not one to be forgotten so quickly.

Immediately, Logan was brought to attention. He leaned forward, hoping that more about the man would be said, but instead the bids began. Why Ben had not mentioned anything about his father before made Logan curious. While it wasn't what he had wanted, it wasn't all that disappointing hearing the numbers go up for his first real painting as a professional artist.

At last the numbers stopped just three hundred and fifty below the last painting. Logan was still pretty pleased to hear this, as he hadn't won the contest and still managed to be one of the higher selling pieces. It was certainly more that his usual allowance too. Vaguely he wondered what his cut of it would be, as the museum was likely to take some of it. Even so, he it was likely to be enough for a couple of cool new games.

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