Chapter 1: A Typical Morning

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March 15th, 2010:

Andrew scratched his head and yawned, enjoying the quiet for the moment. He's only have a few minutes to drink his coffee before the madness would begin. For once it became six o'clock, it would be a whirlwind as he attempted to get his five younger siblings out the door and to school. The man sighed contently, hardly putting any thought to the paper before him.

It didn't take too long for that morning to start off like most, with screaming. Chugging back the remains of his morning brew, the man threw his paper down. He knew from experience that he would never get another taste of warm coffee after the children were up.  

Climbing the stairs, he went to investigate what the problem was this time. From the sounds of it, it was the baby of the family having an early morning fit. Chants of "mine "could be heard all through the house.

Pushing opening the girls' bedroom had the three year old locked in a losing battle of trying to reach for the toy his sister held.

"Toby, Kelly, what are you fighting about now?" Andrew asked pulling at the toy from his sister’s hands.

With a slight pout and a moment of hesitation, Kelly released her tight grip on it. Setting it on the top self of the underused bookshelf, Andrew turned to look at them both.Â

"That's my toy," the boy pointed to the small stuffed dog.

"No it's not," Kelly said sitting on her bed with her arms crossed. "You took it from my room. I told you to stay out."

"Toby, why do you keep coming in here?" Andrew figured this would be rather easy case, thankfully. However, he need the boy to learn to leave other people's things alone. Â That though was always an upward battle.

"My doggy!" Toby said ignoring the question with a single-minded focus only a child could have.

"Answer me, Tobias." Andrew said, a bit more sternly to get his attention, and picking the small one up.

"Dunno," the child didn't have any reasoning, that is other than the fact that he was curious and enjoyed playing with the big kid toys his sisters kept.

Ander sighed, he sometimes forgot that Toby was much younger than the others. "Well, that’s enough. Unless you want a timeout. Got it?"

"Yeah," Kelly pipped up from her spot on the bed, pointing her princess hairbrush at her younger brother.

Toby pouted still wanting the toy, he whined and pointed again. As the youngest, he was rather use to getting his way. Usually to stop his whining all most all of his siblings would just give him what he wanted.

"Maybe if you ask her nicely." Andrew told the youngster, figuring the girl wouldn't mind too much. Kelly tended to be a bit more reasonable than the others in spats like this. He doubted she even cared about the toy so much. Â

“Pwease, Kelly?†Toby whined, his slight toddle lisp still coming out at times.     Â

"No, because he'll keep it." Kelly replied while attempting to brush her tangled mess of red hair.

Almost immediately, the kid in Andrew’s arms started having a crying fit. “I want it! Kewy!â€

“What if I promise to get it back?†The man asked, meaning it as long as the whining stopped. To an extent he understood how important it was to both children.

"Fine," the girl huffed, more annoyed at the knots in her hair.

"Need some help?" Andrew asked, setting Toby back down and sitting next to Kelly. The girl nodded and handed him the brush, her big brother learned pretty well how to take care of her hair.

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