Chapter 3: Sibling Squabbles

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March 27, 2010: 

"Good morning!" Mackenzie proclaimed as she bounced into the kitchen.

"Ah, good morning." Andrew mumbled, taking another sip of his coffee. Already he was on the second cup of the day, yet was still not quit awake. Thankfully Saturdays usually took a much more relaxed tone in the house.

The girl practically danced around the kitchen towards him, with a big smile. "Andrew can you make waffles today?"

"Eh, I don't know 'Kenzie." The man mumbled, not really feeling like going through the effort to make enough for six people. "I was up pretty late last night."

"Please?" Mackenzie pouted and asked again, this time hugging him tightly. "Pretty please, with sprinkles on top?"

Andrew was tempted to say no again, as he certainly wasn't feeling up to it. But, the sweet way that she was asking made him relent. "Okay, okay." Sometimes he felt like he was wrapped around her little finger.

"Thank you," she kissed him on the cheek. Her nose wrinkled a minute later though, "You so need to shave."

"What was that?" He said in a teasingly angry tone. He knew it was true, given that he had yet to do it that morning.

"You need to shave." She said pointing at his face with a smug look.

"Well, I better get to doing that then rather than pancakes..." Andrew said getting up to leave as a way of teasing her.

The child almost jumped on him at that, "Hey, no! Waffles first."

"Wow, the princess is really demanding this morning." Andrew commented, going to the fridge to do as she requested.

Mackenzie lightly smacked him, "Don't call me that." She absolutely hated it when he used that pet name. Of course he had been using it practically since she was born.

He just laughed, "Maybe. If you're good, princess."

A small level of excitement buzzed in the house as the other children started to wake. While this wasn't all that uncommon, there was the undeniable truth that they all loved waffles just as much as pancakes. Even Logan had willingly crawled out of bed before noon when Kelly had told him.

Andrew wasn't too upset that he took the time to make them in the end, seeing as the kids seemed to appreciate the effort. So far his lazy Saturday wasn't starting off all that bad. Other than having to chase Colt after he was finished and before sticky hands could get on anything.

Humming a bit, the man figured it was best to start on the cleanup now that the children were for the most part done. Kelly was still working her way through her food, but she never caused too much of a mess. However, while he was distracted the two middle school students got into a bit of a row.

"Shut up!" Mackenzie snapped at her brother. "I never said that."

"Oh, yeah?" Logan challenged her, clearly very annoyed.

"You're just saying that because you don't have friends," the girl snapped, in a matter-of-fact tone.

"So what!" Logan retorted angrily, "You think those people are friends? You hate them half the time."

"Mackenzie, Logan!" Andrew called their names in warning, wanting them to cut it out before it escalated even more. However, neither of the bickering kids had seemed to notice.

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