Chapter 2: Report Cards

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March 19, 2010:

"'Kenzie, you need to stop talking during class and pay attention." Andrew said with a sigh reading over the comments from her teachers. Her grades were perfect though, as she had always done well in academics.

"I do pay attention," the girl protested quickly. "Besides Mrs. Wyble's class is just so easy." Mackenzie rolled her eyes, she couldn't understand how anyone didn't get an A in there.

"Easy or not you shouldn't be distracting the other girls." Andrew scolded, despite knowing she wasn't going to listen. "There can't be anything just so important that you have to share right then."

"Well, I do." Mackenzie retorted, texting Alicia back. "Like when Gwen totally liked this guy and Robby overheard and told everyone. That was really important."

He rolled his eyes, middle school drama seemed to be too over the top for him. "Just behave in class, missy."

"Whatever," she grumbled, clearly not going to take any heed to his words.

Logan bypassed all of his siblings by now and was heading for his room. He had a small hope that out of sight would mean out of mind.

"Hold it," Andrew said, noting how quickly the teen was trying to leave. Obviously there was a reason for this.

"Yeah?" Logan paused at the doorway, not bothering to face his brother.

"Turn around," Andrew crossed his arms, quickly becoming annoyed. "Where is yours?"

"I don't have it," Logan mumbled with a huff while turning to face him. He had long since crumbled his and trashed it at school. The boy had to be sure none of his siblings saw and snitched on him.

Andrew crocked an eyebrow, "Seriously? You expect me to believe that?"

"Check my bag if you want," Logan replied rudely, taking his backpack off and throwing it on a chair. "I. Don't. Have. It."

"Wait here," The man ordered, knowing how to check the grades online. As of late he had not been keeping up with them as well as he would've liked. Which may explain why the teen's grades have dropped as low as they have without being noticed.

Logan edged towards the door, knowing that he was going to be in so much trouble. The boy had been chewed out by Andrew, Nancy, and their grandparents' last time. Needless to say, his grades were in a better state then as well.

He watched as the man's expression change as he leaned over the computer. First there was a crease in his brow as an incorrect password was entered in for the third time. Then there a small frown as he checked the first grade, English. The teen placed a hand subtly on the door, preparing.

Another few clicked, and Andrew had seen more than enough. There was nothing that he had seen that passed a 'C'. "Logan!"

Upon hearing that, the teen knew it was time to skedaddle his butt out of there. Logan threw open the door and took off running down the street. The boy knew that tone, it meant that if he was caught he was so going to pay the price.

"Dammit, Logan," The elder chased after the teen, easily catching up by the time they had reached the end of their street. Andrew was quite proud of his level of fitness that he managed to keep up even with all of his responsibilities. In fact he had started a new one recently.

Andrew grabbed the child by the back of his jacket, pulling him backwards. Logan fell on his butt and hissed in pain. He hadn't anticipated on that happening.

"Shit," He wheezed out, breathing rather heavily. For a brief moment he regretted skipping gym all the time. Then again had he not skipped as often as he had, his grade would've been much better.

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