Chapter 14: A New Friend

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November 20, 2010 

Michael adjusted his watch and followed after his new girlfriend. When she had first popped the big question, he had been rather shocked. It was bound to happen sooner or later surely. And while he had good feelings about the way that they were moving, it felt too soon.

Nancy turned to him and smiled, "Hopefully they've calmed down by this time at night."

"Can't be rambunctious all the time, now can they?" His prominent British accent gave way to a bit of edge in his tone. It more than just intimidating to meet her six children all at once.

The woman laughed a little, "You'd be surprised."

Her soft voice and beautiful smile was the encouragement he needed. Michael had dealt with children before, even watching is nephew Alex for extended periods of time on occasion. He was sure that no matter what they threw at him, he would be ready.

What a sight it was for the couple to stumble upon. The first to greet them was an all too happy Labrador colored with pink glitter and what appeared to be blue marker.

"'Ello there." Michael greeted patting the dog on its head, the only place unmarked it seemed. He had forgotten completely that they had a dog as well, at least it was friendly.

Just behind the yellow wagging tail was an unholy mess of toys that scattered the floor. In the middle of it all, set with Finding Nemo as the backdrop, was two boys wrestling around on the floor in their underwear.

"Where are your clothes?" Nancy asked, her tone one of warning for the two young boys.

"Hi!" Oliver and Toby were both quick to stop their horseplay and get up. With strangers being brought to their house being rather uncommon, their attention was easily grabbed.

Michael smiled awkwardly, this certainly wasn't what he had expected to walk into. "Evening, boys."

"Go put something on you two," The woman ordered, cheeks a bit red at their state.

"Are you Mommy's friend?" Kelly asked, poking her head around from the other room. She was a little scared of meeting this new man, which is to say until her big brother stepped from behind her. There was nothing to fear with him around.

"Yes-ah you must be Andrew." Michael extended his hand to young man. He could recall from all of his girlfriend's stories that without this youth she would never find a way to manage the other children.

Andrew took it, sizing the man up. He didn't recall his mother mentioning that the man was British, not that he cared all that much. Overall, his mother's newest boyfriend, and the first that she had brought home, appeared to be a decent enough guy. "Nice to meet you."

The two men shared a warm, firm handshake.

Kelly wandered her way closer, sticking rather closely to her big brother's side. "I'm Kelly."

Michael stooped down to be closer to the girl's height and held a hand out to her, already he was bracing her to reject the offer. "Is that so?"

"Uh-huh," The little girl nodded, cautiously attempting to shake this man's hand. He seemed friendly, but she just wasn't sure.

"Well, I'm Michael." The Brit smiled at her, hoping that he didn't look too nervous.

"Scared yet?" The woman questioned. Underneath her teasing tone, the worry was clear. Most bachelors her age either already had their own kids or planned on never having any.

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