Chapter 9: Illegal Art

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June 5th, 2010: 

"Movie night!" Kelly declared racing through the house with their newest movie. She was super excited because tonight because everyone other than Logan was home. This meant that it was the perfect night for everyone to gather around to watch a movie. Plus, she loved the first movie, so the sequel should even better.

Oliver poked his head out from his room, clearly very interested in it. "Wait for me!" His pajamas were sticking to his body still, as the six year old never dried himself well enough.

Andrew caught the speeding bullet of a child, halting her. "You know that you shouldn't run inside, Kelly."

The girl gave him a large innocent smile, "Sorry."

Andrew rolled his eyes, knowing she wasn't sorry at all. "Uh-huh, what's tonight's movie?"

"This, 'Alvin and the Chipmunks: the Squeakel.'" Kelly declared quit proudly. "And everyone's going to watch it together."

"Oh really?" Andrew chuckled, poking her in the stomach. Though he held some doubts about that 'everyone' part.

"Uh-huh, except Logan 'cause he's a meanie." The child crossed her arms unhappily with a pout.

"He went out tonight?" Andrew asked, figuring this to the case. Either it was his friends at the skate park or his girlfriend that he was with. Possibly it was both. It was a wonder if their mother knew or if the teen left without mentioning it.

"Yeah." Kelly mumbled, clearly wanting to spend time with even her mean older brother.

"Well his lost," Andrew started to tickle her stomach to cheer her up. "Cause we'll have a fun time without him."

"Yeah!" Kelly agreed, giggling and trying to push his hand away.

Toby seemed to pop up out of no-where, "Can we have popcorn Andy?"

"I think that can be arranged." The man replied hosting the boy up on his shoulders.


The movie was only about halfway over when there was a loud pounding on the door. Andrew and Nancy shared a look of confusion as the woman got up to answer it.

"Excuse me ma'am." A burly man in a police uniform stated as she opened the door. "Is this your son?"

The teenager looked down at his dirty sneaker, rather embarrassed to be dragged home in such a way. He knew a sever scolding was coming, and rightfully so. He couldn't remember Andrew ever being brought home because of trouble with the law.

"Logan!" Nancy exclaimed brown eyes quit wide, worried, and concerned about the safety of her child.

Andrew, having heard the strange man's voice, came to the door as well. He stood behind her, with arms crossed glaring at the youngster. There had better be a good excuse for this.

"We caught him at Joe's Resale Shop on Main Street." Officer McGraw explained to the two, pulling out his phone to show pictures of where the group of teens had used the spray paint. "Between him and some buddies, they managed to markup the place pretty good. There's not too much damage otherwise. Just a broken window or two."

Andrew raised an eyebrow at that, he could remember buying those paint cans not all that long ago. The child had claimed that they were being used for an art project. He was not going to make that mistake in the future.

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