Chapter 12: A Late Night Return

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October 13th, 2010

It was late, that much Logan was sure of. Exactly how late though, he wasn't sure. But, it was late enough that if he was caught sneaking back in that he'd be in huge trouble. At moment though, he was only concerned with finally crawling into bed and sleeping the night off.

The teen swore softly as he dropped his keys trying to get into the house. Strangely though, the front door had been left unlocked. The boy didn't dwell on it though, his thoughts were on getting upstairs unnoticed. Even if they did notice that he wasn't home when everyone went to bed, at least he could lie about just how late he was. Everything could be dealt with in the morning.

The television was playing softly, he could just barely hear it from the kitchen. Someone had probably fallen asleep with it on. Logan creped carefully through the kitchen, wincing at every creak of the floor.

A dark figure was waiting for him at the bottom of the steps with arms folded.

"Andrew!" Logan squeaked out, taken by surprise. He expected everyone to be asleep by this hour.

The man caught him by the waist with one arm and immediately placed several hard smacks on his jean covered bottom. Andrew was not going to wait to hear some half-assed excuse. Letting the child go he whispered sternly, "Room now."

Logan scurried up the stairs, with only a whimper. While only a handful of harsh smacks, they had stung on his already aching body.

The teen eased himself on the bed, groaning in pain. Grabbing his pillow, Logan buried his face in the fabric. Tears slipped from his eyes. It wasn't fair. The events of the night had already been more than he could handle. The child couldn't take any more.

Instinctively, he stuck a hand in his pocket for his phone again, but that was still at the club. Curling around the pillow a bit more, the teenager finally allowed himself to notice just how much he hurt. He didn't want Andrew to be pissed. He didn't exactly blame the man. It was just that his night already sucked enough.

Andrew paced angrily downstairs a bit longer, unable to even comprehend how Logan thought that this was okay to do. He had broken curfew before many times, but never this badly. Not only that, this was shortly after receiving his new extension. Well that was the first thing that was going to change. Perhaps dialing it back to seven o'clock the boy would understand responsibility better.

With a long sigh, Andrew headed upstairs. Likely it was a much better idea to leave this all for the morning. Lecturing a bit and telling him the punishment couldn't hurt though. As long as both of them remained relatively calm, no one would be woken up.

Standing outside of the child's room, he could hear some what sounded like muffled crying. The elder brother paused for a moment, thinking of how rare it was for Logan to be this upset before a punishment. He couldn't recall a time where the child had before. Andrew's hand had stung a bit when he smacked the kid, so he had been hard. But, he didn't think he had been that hard given the crime; after all it had been over jeans.

Andrew knocked and gave a bit of a pause before entering, with the intent of allowing the teen time to pull himself together. "Logan..." He started, but the child had not even attempted to fix himself.

Logan closed his eyes, wanting to both be left alone and not in that same moment. The teen couldn't face his brother flat out. He couldn't handle seeing the elder's pissed look right then.

The man sighed and ran his fingers though his hair, it really was too late at night for all of the dramatics. "Come on, Bud." He said rubbing the other's back; noticing with growing concern that the boy was shaking. For Logan to be this shook up though, there had to be something bothering him that extended pass ignoring the time. "Tell me why you didn't answer your phone."

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