Chapter 13: Big Brother in Charge

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November 12, 2010:  

Andrew knocked on the door shortly before pushing it open. As of late, the teenager hadn't been locking it. Why he wasn't all that sure, but it certainly made things easier. "Hey, Bud."

"Yeah?" The boy replied distractedly, in the middle of a rather intense fight for his life. Rapidly he hit the attack button over and over, while trying his best to block incoming attacks. It was a fine balance that was hard to master, which is why he preferred having a high enough health to just take the hits.

"I need to go pick Mackenzie up," Andrew replied, finding himself watching the screen with some interest. He wishes that there was still time for him to play video games sometimes, the dragons looked to be fun to fight. "Would you mind watching the kids while I'm gone?"

"Fuck!" The teen exploded suddenly, watching as his avatar died at the fangs of a dragon. He couldn't even remember the last time he saved. Rolling over he looked up at Andrew with a shrug, "Sure, I guess."

"Language," The elder warned more out of habit than anything else. He was a bit surprised that Logan had agreed so easily and without the need of a bribe. "I'll be gone for about twenty minutes.

"'kay." Logan replied hitting the menu button and stretching a little. He was in need of a break now anyways, something about losing the last hour of progress made him want to put it down.

Andrew rambled on about some form of instructions that boiled down to simple, don't break the house or let anyone get killed while he was away. That is to say, that's all the younger had managed to glean from the lecture as he followed his big brother downstairs. He had been left home alone, and with just Mackenzie, before after all.

"Yeah, sure." Logan replied absentmindedly, plopping down on the couch with his drawing pad. Although there was a temptation to go for the television remote, as for once there was no one else to fight for it. But, given the time there was likely nothing too great on. Eight o-clock was usually the prime time for battle over control of the living room television.

"Toby and Oliver are outside, watch for them." Andrew added, knowing that the teen was not listening at all. "The dog is in the oven and Kelly is upstairs playing in her room."

"Ha, ha, very funny." Logan commented, making a sour face. He hadn't zoned out enough to not catch the obvious bait.

The man smirked a little, "I'll be back in about twenty."

"'Kay, bye." Logan mumbled as the man left.

No less than two minutes after Andrew had left Kelly was wandering from room to room looking for her eldest brother. In her small hands was the hardest math homework the girl ever encountered. Part of it was extra credit too, something her teacher said that she could really use. "Annnnnndy?"

Logan rolled his eyes, looked up from his artwork for a brief moment. "He's not here."

The girl's cheeks puffed out in a pout, "Where did he go?"

"He said something about getting 'Kenzie." Logan shrugged and worked on to adding some shading. It was rather tricky to get it just the way he wanted it.

Kelly frown and threw herself face down on the couch next to him. She huffed unhappily, "No fair."

"What?" Logan said, slightly annoyed that she was sticking around to bother him.

"I need help with math," Kelly mumbled into the cushions. "And he yells when I don't do it." After last year's difficulties with math she had learned to simply be a good girl and get it done. Plus, if she started all her homework on Friday, then Andrew didn't get mad with her on Sunday nights as they rush to finish it.

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