Chapter 5: Little Liar

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April 27, 2010:  

"Andy guess what?" Oliver pipped up, super excited about his news as he burst through the front door. He had run from the bus stop all the way home, not a very small feat for a first grader.

"What's that?" Andrew asked, offering the child a snack of carrot sticks. For once he was on top of things before the children walked in.

"Teacher said 'cause we were really good, we don't get homework tonight!" The small child proclaimed.

Logan rolled his eyes at the younger boy stepping in. It was so much easier in elementary school, just wait until he learned how hard middle school was. Logan pushed his way past his siblings who left the need to crowd the door.

Andrew smiled and ruffled Oliver's hair, "Good job, kiddo." It was nicer to get good news when they came in, as opposed to notes from teachers.

The boy smiled and stuffed the food into his mouth, "Can I play outside now?" The rule typically was that once homework and chores were finished he could, provided that it wasn't too dark.

"If you promise not to talk with your mouthful," The man answered with a smile.

"Mh-hum." Enthusiastically Oliver nodded, already thinking of the toys he wanted to bring outside.

"Now what about your homework, Kelly?" Andrew asked turning his attention to the girl who was the last one in.

"Mrs. Taylor didn't give us any today," The girl said quietly. This information wasn't true. She had hid the work earlier, not wanting to look at it even. But, hearing her little brother get off from homework made her feel a bit jealous. The lie slipped out without much thought.

"Okay," The adult accepted it, at least those two were doing alright in school. Now if only he could say the same for the older one. That was a battle for another day though.

Andrew noticed the teen had already slipped away, "Back here, Logan!"

"Ughh, what is it?" The boy grumbled, poking his head back in a few seconds later.

"Mom wanted you to call her when you got home," Andre replied, given the teen the confiscated cell phone back for now.

"Why?" Logan asked, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

"How should I know?" the man rolled his eyes. "Just make sure you call her."

Logan took that as his sign that he could go back to sulking in his room away from everyone else. Being stuck grounded without video games for the second week was really sucking.

Toby danced around the kitchen, excited that his big siblings were back. "I wanna go to school."

Andrew chuckled and ruffled his hair, "When you're older, buddy."

The toddler pouted, he was very serious about this. He didn't really understand what school was, but it was the reason that everyone left him in the morning. Then he had no one to play with until they came back. "No fair."

"Go play with Ollie now," Andrew said giving the little one a push. "I have very important work to do. Okay?"

"O'tay." The little one pattered off after his brother.

"Okay," Andrew sighed, looking at the bills for this month. Every month it was stressful, with money only stretching so far. Luckily, their grandparents paid for a few things to help lift the burden a bit, like the kid's allowances. Nancy just couldn't possibly make enough for care for six children and with the prices of daycare, it was more worth it for Andrew to watch Toby at home than work. Next year when preschool started, he would find a job and be able to contribute finically finally.

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