Happy 18th Huey

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"Is everything set?" Jada asked. Caesar nodded. The group was planning a surprise birthday party for Huey, even though he didn't want one.

They were at John Evans' Club. Decorations were hung up and they had a variety of foods and drinks out and set up. The only people attending was Riley, Jada, Jazmine, Cindy, Caesar, Jessica, and Donte. However, they still had to stay since the girls performed that night.

"Where's Jazzy?" Cindy asks, hanging up a banner.

"Distracting Huey," Caesar says. "They should be here in about 10 minutes."

Jada looked at everything. It was all set. Just a plain party with a few decorations and what not. Something simple enough for Huey.

"Jazzy just text me!" Riley yells, "They on they way!"

"Now?" Caesar looked at his watch. "But thats too early."

"We'll be fine," Jada says. "We're done anyways."

Everyone nodded, getting into place.

"You think Huey will care if we're here?" Jessica asks.

"Oh come on, Jess!" Jada says, "You live with us! Huey has actually grown comfortable with you two."

Donte nodded in agreement.

"Plus he'd be confused if we weren't here."

Jessica only nodded.

They heard a tire screech and everyone got into place.

"Jazz, why are we here?" Huey asks, "I thought you didn't perform until-"

"SURPRISE!" They all yelled. Huey looked a bit startled but he stayed contempt.

"Why did I have a feeling you guys would do this?" He questions.

"Oh lighten up," Jazmine says with a smile. "They worked really hard on this."

Huey looked at the decorations. He had to say, he was surprised they didn't go all out.

"Its.." Huey was looking for the right words, "Nice, I guess."

"Good enough for me!" Jada says with a smile.

They started eating and talking, Huey actually enjoying himself.

"Who's idea was this?" Huey asks.

"Jessica and Jada's," Jazmine says, dipping her tortilla chip in salsa.

"Really?" Huey looked over at his sister and her best friend as they talked and laughed together.

Huey smiled, reminding himself to thank them later.

"Huey!" Caesar held up a box. A couple more gifts were wrapped behind him. "You gotta open your gifts, man."

Huey walked over to the table filled with gifts. Everyone followed, sitting at the tables next to it.

Huey grabbed a blue box that felt really heavy.

"Who's it from?" Cindy asks.

"This is from Caesar," He replies, shaking the box.

"Bro, don't shake it!" Caesar laughs. "What if you break it?"

"Can it break?"

Caesar looks down,


"Then shut up."

Caesar rolls his eyes as Huey opens his gift. Inside were 3 books and a documentary. A card rested on top of them.

"Dear Huey," Huey read, "We've been friends for some shit and I'm glad to be apart of your 18th Birthday. "

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