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Story inspired by a certain. You think you can guess it before the story ends?

Jada got in the car, ducking her head so she wouldn't be seen. Getting in the back, her two brothers sat in the front. Her eldest stepped on the gas, taking them to their next location.

"So?" Jada asked. "How'd I do?"

"You did great," Riley, her twin, smirks, "We managed to get some good stuff this time."

Jada smirked, happy she did her job well.

"You need to be more careful though," Huey, the eldest, tells her. "You almost got caught."

Jada scoffs,

"No I didn't. He didn't suspect a thing."

Huey rolls his eyes, knowing very well that his sister was making small careless mistakes.

"Just be careful next time."

Jada rolls her eyes. 

"Stop buggin, Huey," Riley says, "We got we needed didn't we?"

Huey sighs, nodding. 

"Who's the next guy?" Jada asks, re-applying her red lip stick.

"His name is Cairo. He's a pro basketball player and has a shit load of stuff to snag," Riley tells her. "We finna get you to this club so you can meet em and do yo thing."

"Got it. But can we get me to the house first so I can freshen up? This shit takes a lot."

"That's fine," Huey tells Jada. "But you can't be long."

Getting to their hideout, Jada quickly hurries inside to shower and change. Waiting for her was Michael Caesar, her boyfriend.

"Why you always leavin me for so long," He asks, putting his face in the crook of her neck. 

"I'm sorry, baby. You know I have business to do."

"I hate it."

"You know what you signed up for when we got together."

Jada's line of work wasn't exactly... The best.

Growing up in the hood only taught the three Freemans to steal and cheat. And that's all they did. They didn't have anything or anyone but each other so they started stealing from people. But not just little break ins. They used Jada to do it.

"How long is this one going to take?" Caesar asks.

"I should be back in a week."

Jada met Caesar during one of her jobs. He was one of her targets but she ended up falling for him. While her brothers were getting ready to rob him, Jada stopped them telling them she loved Caesar and that they should call off the job. After a lot of arguing her brothers agreed and Caesar stayed with Jada. He kept her and her brother's job a secret, even though he hated that that's what she did for a living. 

"Fine. But don't be too long."

"Tell my slow ass brothers that."

Caesar pecks Jada on the lips as she exits the small house and leaves.

Huey and Riley give her the small ear piece and drop her off at the club. 

"You'll know who he is when you see him," Huey tells her and she nods. 

Getting out the car, Jada enters the club. Looking around, she found her target talking to his friends at the bar. She takes her seat not too far from them and waits to see if he notices her.

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