Quarantine - Huey's Home

563 13 4

Small time skip (these ages of the kids wouldn't be mentioned in the story and also are not related)

No One POV~

Huey knew it. He knew this moment would come. The moment the world would be devoured by disease and unruly government control. 2020 was the year and he was hating it.

"Morning pop," Andre greets as he comes down in his pajamas. Also due to the virus, school wasn't tradition and Huey was highly against "virtual learning" after a teacher tried to yell at Holly for eating during class. So, Huey taught the kids himself.

Since Andre wakes up first, he was the first to start his lessons with his father.

"Morning Dre. Sleep okay?" Huey asks. They were in the kitchen, Huey making Andre's breakfast first. Huey cooked a turkey, cheddar, and avocado omelet for Andre since he and Rylee were the only meat eaters. Holly wasn't vegetarian, she just didn't care for meat.

"Do we have tomatoes?" Andre asks.

"Yea, in the fridge, why?" 

"Can you put some chopped tomatoes on my omelet please?" 

"What's up with you and these weird ass combinations?" Huey asks.

"I don't say anything to you when you eat your fake ass food," Andre replies bluntly. Like his father at a young age, Andre is very blunt and speak his mind regardless of who's present.

"Watch ya mouth."

"Can you do the tomatoes or not?" Andre presses.

"If you want em so bad, get em yourself."

Andre shrugs, getting out his chair and walking towards the fridge. His baggy pajamas reminded Huey of the large shirts he used to wear as a kid. Andre naturally chose pajamas twice his size to fit whatever sense of style he seemed to have.

"Rylee awake?" Huey asks Andre.

"No, she and Holly are both still sleeping."

Huey nods, finishing the omelet and starting on his own.

"How'd you sleep?" Huey asks.

"Fine, you? Or did you not sleep again?" Andre retorts.

"I slept, jackass. And I slept fine."

"Mom's still sleep?"

"No, she left a little bit before you woke up for a jog." 

"I'm surprised you didn't stop her," Andre chuckled, dicing his tomato. 

"You've got a lot of jokes today? What's got you in a good mood?" 

"Who said I was in a good mood?" Andre scowls.

"Boy dice yo tomato wit yo ugly ass," Huey chuckles, mushing Andre's face. The 13 year old laughs, pushing his father's hand. 

With Andre being his only boy, Huey was happy he had a good relationship with his son.

They both sit for breakfast, Andre scrolling through Funimation on his tablet and Huey browsing Twitter.

Huey hears Japanese music and looks over at Andre.

"What're you watching?" He asks.

"Tokyo Ghoul."


"I stopped to watch Big Mouth. They just came out with a new season."

"Andre.. Why are you watching Big Mouth? And why have you been watching it this long?"

"It's not like I can go anywhere," Andre points out. "You and mom watch it. You act like we don't know what sex is."

"With how loud you and mom are, we definitely know," Holland says, walking downstairs. Huey scowls, now both of the household assholes were awake.

"Good morning, Holland."

"Good morning, pops." 

She looks at the two's omelets and frowns.

"You're welcome to anything in the fridge," Huey says, already knowing where Holland was about to go with it. 

Holly makes herself chocolate chip waffles with strawberries. She looks at Andre's tablet, frowning.

"You'd wait for me, huh?"

"Says the person who finished My Hero Academia without me."

"You and Charlie was taking too long and wanted to watch Big Mouth."

"Charlie watches Big Mouth too?" Huey asks. "Why the hell are you all watching this?"

"Dad, mind your business, that's rude," Holly says before looking back at Andre, "So you can't blame me for that."

"Whatever, that's why *INSERT HUGE SPOILER HERE*" (I'm not gonna do ya'll like that who haven't actually seen Tokyo Ghoul and want to watch it)


"Can ya'll shut up?" Rylee groans, coming downstairs. "Loud as hell downstairs."

"Good morning, princess," Huey kisses Rylee on the head. "I made you some breakfast rice. It's in the microwave.

"No fair! You make these two breakfast but tell me to make my own?" Holly pouts. 

"Oh hush, Holly," Rylee says, "Whenever pop makes you food, you never like it."

"True," Andre chimes in.

Huey chuckles,

"They said it, not me."

Holland rolls her eyes. Jazmine walks into the house, her fluffy hair in one big puff and her edges were curled to the sides. 

"Good morning, everyone!"

"Morning," everyone else replies.

"Had a good jog?" Huey asks, kissing Jazmine on the lips.

"Yea, it's really nice out today. How is everyone? Breakfast smells yummy."

"Dad made everyone else food and not me," Holly tells her.

"Mama's girl," Andre and Rylee mumble. 

"That's fine, I'll order us some food Holly. You can come hang with me after I shower."

Holland smiles, sticking her tongue out at her younger siblings. 

No matter how old Holland was, she was going to always be Jazmine first baby. But that didn't matter to the other two, Huey was their favorite anyways. 

"Well she can order food and shit after class. You're all up so I might as well get all of your lessons out the way."

Everyone ate, got their lessons done and went their own way. Holland watched movies with Jazmine in their room and ordered food, Andre was watching anime with Huey, and Rylee was texting on the couch.

"When will we be able to start going over Uncle Reezy house again?" Rylee asks.

"Whenever we're allowed to go back outside which is never," Huey replies.

"Here we go," Andre groans, rolling his eyes.

"Pop, we can't be trapped in the house forever. I get we live in a mansion but this shit ain't that big!" Rylee whines.

"Well if you leave and catch covid don't think you're coming back here," Huey says.

The twelve year old's mouth dropped. 

"You'd really kick me out?"

"You think I'm gonna risk four other people catching that shit too? No! You wanna be dumb and leave, then keep ya ass out."

"That's harsh, pop. Even coming from you," Andre says.

"I'll throw your ass out that window, try me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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