Jessica Evans

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Hey y'all. Real quick. So these stories are probably gonna be a bit depressing since they are like really personal stories of each character and what they go through. Gotta make it dramatic in some way.. Anyways, enjoy!

Jessica POV~

Memories I have of my mom are little to none. I was so young when she died, the only thing I remember was sorrow. It was like everyone around me was always in tears.

My dad left me with my grandma and went away for a while. Now, I know that he left to get his life together. He had known my mom since high school. They were lovers from their sophomore year and losing her crushed him. To this day he hasn't even looked for someone to replace her.

My grandma didn't really like my dad much. She wanted my mom to marry someone big and strong. Since my dad was small and overly talkative, she didn't really find any interest in him.

My grandma held me close to her heart though. It didn't matter who my father was, I was my mother's child and she loved me with everything she had. I feel as though she held me especially close when my mother died. 

I grew up being home schooled. My grandmother had a lot of money since she owned a very popular club in California. She payed for me to have private teachers and a violin teacher. I had a self defense teacher that taught me how to defend myself. She was honestly crazy and taught me somethings that I really found unnatural. (Shoutout to anyone who can guess who)

I was very sheltered. I rarely left the house and when I did, I was at my grandmother's club, watching the different performances.

I loved listening to the different singers that sang at Just for Kicks. They were always very talented and had a big set of pipes. Only the best were allowed to sing for my grandma at her club. She only accepted the best.

I was 14 when my dad told my grandma that he wanted to move to Maryland to open his own club. My grandma was honestly surprised. She didn't expect him to actually accomplish something. Well, so she said. 

"But I want to take Jessica with me."

Now this sparked an argument. My grandma had refused to let me leave her side. Especially if I was going to be in a different state across the country.

My dad constantly reminded my grandma that I was his child and if he wanted to take me with him, he could. 

She really couldn't say too much after that, but no. She didn't want me going anywhere.

"Can I please go?" I asked one night they were arguing. They were both startled, not knowing I was still up.

"Jessica, what are you doing up this late?" My grandma asks, going to my side. She puts her hand on my cheek, giving a small smile.

"I want to go with daddy," I tell her and her smile fades.

"You don't want to stay here with me?"

"I'm always at home. I want to go somewhere different and explore new things. Please?"

My grandma sighed and finally gave in. My dad didn't hesitate helping me get packed and we were off within a few days.

I was excited, to say the least. My dad told me I'd finally be able to go to public school and explore on my own. I never had been by myself before and it was thrilling. 

My dad ended up having to drive to Maryland since he couldn't take all our stuff if we took a plane. It was fun, gave us time to bond and catch up since he was gone for so long.

During the drive, I watched YouTube a lot and stumbled upon Jada Freeman. She was a really good singer that sang at house parties her friend hosted. She was honestly amazing. My dad smiled as I talked about her and showed him videos.

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