A Friend in Riley

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This is up to date with Baby Freemans but just a lil B story... 

Donte POV~

My mom had been begging for me to visit her and I knew, I couldn't avoid her forever. It wasn't that I was avoiding her, more so Angelo. Ever since I'd made a name for myself and became one of the biggest stars in America, Angel's been having bitch fits every chance he gets. I honestly don't have time for it. 

"Can you please just stay for a week?" My mother begs over the phone. "I miss seeing you, baby, and ever since you've become this big star, we haven't talked."

My heart broke hearing that. My mom really missed me and all because my crybaby cousin, I kept making excuses not to go.

"I'll go, mom," I tell her. I could hear her squeal. "I'll fly in tomorrow and I'll stay for a week."

My mother told me how excited she was to see me before she hung up the phone. 

"Who was dat?" Riley asked. He was the only person in the house at the time. 

"My mom. She wants me to come to Woodcrest to see her."

"That don't sound like a bad idea," Riley says. "When you goin?"

"Tomorrow. But I don't really wanna go alone and be around Angelo."

Riley scoffed. He wasn't too fond of my cousin either.

"Does that bitch still cry about you bein famous?"

"Everyday," I reply. Riley chuckles.

"I'll go wit you if you want," Riley says.


"Yea. We don't be doin nun anyways and I'd love to get out this house!"

"What about Carter?" 

"His mama live in Woodcrest," Riley says. "And I know she wanna see him."

I nodded. Riley and I packed that night to get ready to leave in the morning.

"Where you going?" Jessica asks me, coming home from singing at JEC.

"My mom wants me to visit," I tell her. "So Riley and I are gonna fly to Woodcrest for the week and stay with her."

"You're taking Riley?"

"He offered to go. And he said it would be a good opportunity for Cindy to see Carter."

Jessica nodded.

"Well, okay. I'll miss you," Jessica says, hugging me. I put my head on top of hers and smiled. 

"I'll miss you more."

Jada walks past our room and gags,

"Eww, what's wit all the gay shit? she questions. She notices my packed suitcase. "Where the hell you goin? You just got back."

"I'm going to Woodcrest to visit my mama," I replied. 

"Awe! I know she misses you a lot. That should be fun."

"He's taking Riley with him," Jessica tells her.

"That's good too. Cindy can see her son and stop calling Jazmine to call Riley to see Carter."

We all laughed.

"Well, have fun," Jada tells me. "And keep Riley outta trouble."

"Nigga I'm grown!" Riley yells from his room. We all laugh again and I finish packing.

The next morning Riley and I wake up early and head to the airport with Carter. He cooed, looking at a plane fly high above us.

"You see the plane, lil man?" Riley asks. "We gon ride in one of them in a few."

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