Amy breaks up with Sonic

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There was a blue hedgehog and his name was Sonic that had a relationship with a pink hedgehog named Amy Rose. They have been together for almost 4 years now. Until something terrible happened. Sonic found out that Amy was cheating on him when he was still in love with her.

What happened before . . .

Sonic's pov

Today was the day that Amy and I would be together for 4 years now. I have bought a bouquet of red roses to celebrate our anniversary. We would go on a nice picknick, just the two of us. When I came home nobody was there. I called for her but got no answer. When I went upstairs I heard some weird noises. Amy and I live together in the same house. So when I reach our bedroom and opened it as quiet as possible, i saw a green hedgehog laying down on Amy. They were in a make out session. I really couldn't belief my eyes. My eyes began to water. Without them knowing I shouted "What the fuck are you doing??" Amy was shocked to see me and pushed the green hedgehog of off her and said "Sonic I can explain" but I was hurt badly. The green hedgehog was apparently my brother 'Manic'. Now I was really hurt and pissed. So I grabbed Manic and threw him out through my window and yelled at Amy to go and get her stuff and to get out of my house. "You can't do this to me" Amy yelled, but I didn't care anymore. I was so hurt that I started crying again. "Do you know how much I loved you?" I asked Amy. She just stood there with a blank face. "You know what? Screw you!!! It's over between us!!" Amy said. So she got her things and went out of my house. I fell to my knees and cried my heart out and started screaming. This should've been my biggest day, OUR day. Now everything is ruined.

Normal pov

The blue hedgehog was on his knees crying and screaming, but did not know someone was watching him from a distant. "Well well well, so the pink one broke up with that blue pest? This will make my revenge even greater hahahahaha". Sonic then decided to go out of his house for a run to clear his mind. So he took his keys and cellphone and went outside. But first he called one of his best friends. His name was 'Tails' and knows Sonic the best. It took a while when the call got answered.

RINGG. . . 

RINGG. . .

RINGG. . .

Phone call

(T) Hi there Sonic. It has been a while. Whats up?

(S) Hi Tails. Something terrible happened.

(T) What do you mean?

(S) Amy broke up with me and I still love her so much. I have no idea what I should do now.

(T) Why don't you come to my house to talk about this?

(S) OK. See you later.

(T) Alright see you then and be careful Sonic.

(S) You know me Tails. I'm always careful.

(T) Yeah that's true. Well bye.

(S) Bye.

End of the phone call.

Sonic then run of to Tails house. When he was running to Tails, he was watched by a other hedgehog. He was a dark hedgehog with red streaks known as "Shadow the Hedgehog". He began as Sonic's rival but later through the years they became great friends with each other. They used to race together for fun, but to Shadow there was something more than just friendship. He started to have feelings for the blue hedgehog, but was to scared to be rejected. So he followed him to see where he was going. Sonic ran through the forest to get to Tails house. When he came there he knocked on the door and his best buddy opened the door and let him in. "Would you like something to drink Sonic?" Tails asked him. "Yeah some water will do just fine, thanks buddy" Sonic said. Tails walked to his kitchen to grab a glass of water. Later he came back and gave the glass to him and sat down on his couch. "Here you go Sonic" Tails said "Thanks" Sonic said. "So tell me what happened before you and Amy broke up Sonic" Tails said. "Well you know that Amy and I where in a relationship for quite a while now and today was going to be our anniversary for being 4 years together, so I bought her a bouquet of red roses to celebrated it. We also should go on a picknick together. When I came home she wasn't there, but when I went upstairs I heard some weird noises so I went to check what it was. To my greatest shock I saw Amy making out with my brother Manic" Sonic said. Tails couldn't belief what he heard. Sonic's own brother cheating on him with Amy. "That really is something. I really can't belief why Manic would do something like that" Tails said. All the beautiful memories the blue hedgehog had with Amy came up and he started crying again. "I don't even know what I did wrong to deserve this?" Sonic said.

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