chapter 11

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Harry's POV:

"Harry! You have to try this, its heaven!" Niall said as Harry sat back down in the opposite booth chair.

"You cleaned up nicely. And Niall's right they said they'd have your plate here in a few minutes," Louis said taking the last bite of his plate. Harry couldn't wait much longer; he needed to get to the club. He remembered the time he had been there, 10 pm, and left at midnight so that meant he had seen her at around 11pm. He didn't know if she would be there at the same time or earlier because she couldn't stay late but he had to try and find her. "Actually guys I need to be somewhere, I'll taste it another time. Glad you like it Niall." Niall scrunched his eyebrows together and looked at Harry. "Why are you acting like a normal person?" Louis asked with a lifted eyebrow.

Harry held his head in his hands recalling how he had let his careless attitude drop in a second after seeing how flustered that waitress who was according to her name tag named Ivy. She had an effect on him and it was amazing how much she had reminded him of the girl he had also dropped his act for the night at the club. But that girl had the confidence and attitude he wished he had and the one that awaited his return to the restaurant was too self conscience to be the same person. "Be careful Harry, you'll upset management," Louis said in a lowered voice.

"Yes I know, I'll be careful," He replied, getting up from his seat. He would be sure to not forget to act like he was supposed to unless he was with her. And he wished he would be.


The streets were empty and Harry was grateful for that because he wasn't in the mood or had the energy to drive properly. He hoped he would arrive safely at the hotel. The Club with all its hype didn't really satisfy him this time. It wasn't complete, she wasn't there. This time he wished they had sold alcohol. He turned the radio up and started to sing. It had been a long time since he had had freedom while singing. It felt enriching.

Ivy's POV:

Tina called 10 minutes after the other two boys from One Direction left. She was disappointed that she hadn't been there in time to the point where Ivy thought she would explode. Ivy didn't get their names and so when Tina started to interrogate her as soon as she slumped onto her bed extremely exhausted she became even more annoyed. "Ok then describe their appearance," she went on calmly.

"Uhh one had blonde hair, Irish accent; the other had brown hair, wearing stripes and the last one had shiny brown curls and green eyes and dimples when he smiled," Ivy described everything she remembered. "OMG, Niall was there! Why did my car have to break down tonight?!" Tina's facial expression was extremely hilarious. It was as if someone had tragically passed away and she was devastated. She rambled on about how amazing they were and then stopped finally realizing Ivy's unchanged blank expression. "Ivy, Ivy, Ivy, come back to me babe. Don't leave me here alone!" She yelled at Ivy to snap out of her trance. Ivy usually had a dubious look on her face when she was deep in thought and Tina had experienced many of those uncontrolled moments. "Sorry, got a bit distracted," Ivy replied lying on her back on the bed. "By who?" Tina pushed wiggling her eyebrows.

"It's nothing and it's stupid that I even think about him." Ivy knew that she needed to get her act together and go back to her usual covered up ways. No need to leave the door open to opportunities that you know you're going to get hurt in. "So it is a someone, bet it's the dance club guy," Tina winked, "oh and you didn't tell me. Why didn't we end up going to the club?" there was no point in hiding her feelings or anything for that matter from Tina because she usually found out somehow.

"It's a very long story but here are the important details. Before I start what's the one with the curly brown hairs name?" Ivy began.

"Harry Styles."

Ivy matched the name to the person perfectly. How could he even become more desirable? She rushed her words, "ok so the guy who was at the club was actually harry styles and I didn't notice that he was famous at all because everyone was so calm and it wasn't until today till I found out but he doesn't know who I am and he probably wouldn't care to know and wouldn't like me anyway now for sure because I spilt beef and chips and sauce all over his expensive clothing," she took a breath. Tina just stood there with her mouth wide open and Ivy wanted to close it in case a fly flew in. She had been in shock in this short week more times than she had been shocked about something that happened in Ivy's life during their whole friendship. "ARE YOU 100% SURE THAT YOU WERE DANCING SERIOUSLY CLOSE TO HARRY FUCKING STYLES?!" she said loudly.

"Yes, I can't forget him since he kind of was about to be my first kiss too," Ivy mentioned. Tina pounced onto Ivy and hugged her tightly. "You don't know how happy I am right now," she said and let go of close to bones being broken Ivy, "what did he say after you spilt the food?"

"Actually he followed me into the back because he saw that I felt embarrassed and seriously uncomfortable with the attention and he apologized because he said he was supposed to have been looking forward when walking yet I'm the one who wasn't supposed to have been rushing and then he had to leave to find some girl I apparently look like so he promised he would come back to eat here because he couldn't today." Ivy took another breath.

"WOAH! Harry Styles was nice to you? And he didn't ask for your number or make a move. Weird, really weird."

"Why is that weird?" Ivy was confused. Tina moved off the bed and sat at her desk opening up her laptop. Ivy followed and stood behind her white roller chair. "I understand that he could be a nice guy at the club because he wanted to hook up with you but at the restaurant? And he didn't want anything in return and there were no paparazzi? Weird. Watch this." She explained and showed Ivy multiple celebrity reports about Harry being the negative, bad boy with the careless attitude and reckless behavior. Ivy couldn't believe her eyes. They were working perfectly fine (her mother made her take regular checkups at the optometrist) and so what she was observing in front of her on the screen was all seen clearly. "No way, he can't be like this. Yes he was wearing that black jacket but that doesn't necessarily mean he's an asshole," Ivy countered. She was very defensive and Tina was the only one who saw that side of her because of their close bond. She had to handle Ivy's rare outbursts about injustices she felt strongly about. "Well, he is. And let's look at the bright side of this, this hunk of hotness wanted to make out with you Ivy." Tina said turning around to face her.

"Don't make it sound like that. I thought he was.... Don't worry. I just had faith in this nice hot human being," Ivy puffed and slouched her shoulders looking at the words on the screen.

"I understand babe. Disappointment. Trust me I've been through many, just shrug it off and look," Tina gestured to herself, "you got a pretty good piece of human being here." Ivy laughed and went off to shower and get to bed. She had had a really long day and she needed rest.

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