Chapter 1

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  "Please! Stop hurting him!" Keith hears his mother say to his dad. "Ow!!" Keith says as his father smashes a glass bottle on Keith's head. "Why are you so USELESS!" He yells at his son. Keith hears his mother and father yelling and screaming at each other but it sounds as if he was underwater. He then is being picked up by his mother and hears her very faintly, "Keith! Keith! Oh my god Keith are you alright?! I'm so sorry!" She says as he feels tears dropping on his face.

    His mother takes him into his room and lays him down. She sings him a song as she runs her fingers through his hair. He feels his eyelids get very heavy, and falls asleep.

    Keith wakes up to his mom and dad fighting again. He sighs and changes into a gray hoodie and pulls the hood up and some black jeans, and puts on his fingerless gloves as always. He arranges his hair so he has his hair on his bruises on his forehead. He pulls the strings on the hoodie a little so they can't see the finger marks on his neck.

    He looks for bandaids in the bathroom cupboards but finds none. "Shit!" He says running back into his bedroom he stubs his toe on the way there and is hopping on one foot while examining the other foot. "Ow!" He looks through all his drawers to try and find bandaids. "I have to have some bandaids here somewhere!" He says panicking throwing things around trying to find bandaids.

    He glances at the clock and sees it's 8:14 a.m. "Are you kidding me?!" He says while running to the kitchen while missing his dads hand in an effort to grab him. He doesn't have time for food so he grabs his converse and bursts out the door putting them on while running to his bus stop.

    He crashes into someone and falls to the ground. "Sorry!" He says while standing up and bursts into a sprint. The bus starts and Keith runs faster. "Wait! Please!" Keith yells while chasing the bus down the street. Some kids in the back seats point at him and laugh. He can almost hear them laughing. He stops running and hung his head low and continued running on the sidewalk. Some kids on bikes pass by him. Keith was about to ask for a ride to school until he realizes who they were. More bullies...

    He only knew they were bullies because he saw they started walking towards him with evil grins. He tried to run past them but was held back and kneed in the stomach. "S-Stop..." Keith says falling to the ground. "Hmm? Did the weak boy say something?" One of the four says laughing at Keith's effort. Usually Keith isn't this weak but the bully kneed him right into a bruise.

     "P-Ple-ase.." Keith says as he gets pulled back from behind. "Hey! Leave the poor guy alone!" A tall muscular boy with black hair and a scar on his nose says. They all have fear in their eyes and run away with their bikes. "You alright bro?" He says holding his hand out. Keith grabs it and nods. "My names Shiro." He says smiling. Keith forces a fake smile and runs to school. "H-Hey! Wait! Did I scare you?! Hmm.. I didn't mean to intimidate the poor dude." Shiro says to himself.

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