Chapter 21

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   Everyone was silent after Keith said those words. Nobody wanted to speak. Everyone was processing what Keith had just said. They all felt stupid for not catching on. I mean who would want to live if their parents were dead and or in prison for manslaughter. Or if they had mental issues. Or they couldn't breathe at times. Who would want to live like that?

      "Hey guys I'm sorry let's just pretend I didn't say tha—" Keith says before getting interrupted by Hunk. "No, Keith, we're the ones who are sorry. We haven't noticed and we should have paid more attention. And we are DEFINITELY NOT going to pretend you didn't say that." Hunk said. Keith had never heard Hunk speak in a serious tone. "From here on out, we're all in this together." Pidge said. "And Lance I SWEAR TO GOD if you quote that song I'm going to slit your throat." Pidge said to Lance about to sing 'We're all in this togetherrrr.' "That would've been close" Lance said.

      Shiro seemed to be the most calm and collected out of the group but he seemed to still be worried. Shiro and Keith were the type to keep to themselves. They wouldn't usually comment anything. Well, Lance and Pidge are a different story. They're the types to say phrases like 'Mama Mia' or 'Uh oh spaghetti o's' or sing songs like 'Hollaback Girl' completely out of context or when they're nervous or when something bad happens like for example. Once Lance was watching a fight and when it was over he just started singing, "FEW TIMES I'VE BEEN AROUND THAT TRACK BUT ITS NOT JUST GONNA HAPPEN LIKE THAT CUZ I AIN'T NO HOLLABACK GIRLLLL!!1!" Let's just say the fight was started to include Lance. Or one time when Pidge's brother got an F on his history test and she just screamed "MAmA miA!!" and ran out of the room. They're so alike yet they're not that close of friends as Lance is with Hunk or Keith. Okay, I'm done rambling sorry, let's continue with the story. 

     "Let's stay positive guys! I mean come on! Keith is getting out of this dump pretty soon!" Hunk said interrupting the silence filling the room. Everyone slightly cheered. 

      A nurse came in with the name tag of 'Ezor.' She had tan-ish skin and a long ponytail with vibrant colors in her hair like pinks, purples, oranges, etc. She was pretty. "Hi, Keith I wanted to tell you that you can pack up your clothes and any other things you have and tell me when you're ready to go." Keith nodded. "Thanks Ezor." Keith replied to the nurse he's seen around before. She nodded and left the room. 

    Keith still had his normal clothes on because he requested to keep them on and they allowed him. He packed his notebook and ballpoint pen with a key-chain on it with a rainbow Lance gave him in a black bag Voltron brought him.

     He pushed the assistance button on the side of his hospital bed. A nurse with pale skin and purple hair with violet eyes the same as Keith's walked in after a few minutes. She glanced over at Keith and did a retake. She had wide eyes and a confused expression but quickly shook it off. "Uh- erm- Sorry Ezor was busy, I'm Axca I will be assisting you." She was about as socially awkward as Keith. Pidge looked at Keith, then to Axca and back and forth. "Sorry for the weird question, but are you somehow related to him?" Pidge said and gestured towards Keith. She seemed to look like she knew something they didn't. "Uhh- n -no not that I know o-of." She hesitated and finished with a nervous laugh. "Anyways, you're free to go home." Axca said to Keith. Keith nodded. She went by Keith and carefully took his IV out. Then she quickly went out the door. "I feel like I know her from somewhere..." Keith mumbled. He shrugged and got out of the hospital bed. 

     Keith rolled up his sleeve to look at the cuts and scars on his arm. He ran his finger on them and started daydreaming. Where is my dad? What prison is he in? Hopefully he's in a shitty ass prison. Wait, should I talk like that about my dad? Wait, of course I should he fucking killed my mom for god's sake. Is there even a prison nearby-  Keith was interrupted of his thoughts.

    "--with you Keith?" Pidge said. Shit, I didn't hear the full sentence. "Uhh sorry, I didn't hear what you said..." Keith said looking down, shuffling his feet. "I said we should go to Olive Garden, is that alright with you Keith?" Pidge repeated. "Oh, uh yeah, I-I've never really gone out to eat so I don't really know what they have so yeah sounds good." Keith replied shyly.

     "Pidge you're such an Italian stereotype." Lance said. "What?! I am not!" Pidge argued. "You totally are. You are the Italian meme queen and you like Olive Garden ANd you like Mario Kart and they're Italian plumbers." Lance retorted. Hunk snorted at the 'Italian plumber' part. "Lance you fucking like Mario Kart and Olive Garden dON'T TRY TO TELL ME YOU DONT." Pidge argued.

      They argued for about 5 minutes now until Shiro couldn't take it anymore and he fucking lost it. "Hey, Lance Pidge, I got something to tell you guys." Shiro said and gestured for them to walk over by him. They walked over and Shiro leaned close to both their ears, "Can you two for one minute, just one little minute," Shiro paused, "sHUT THE HELL UP JESUS FucKING CHRIST I'VE HAD IT UP TO HERE WITH YOU GUYS," Shiro put his hand over his head emphasizing him 'having it up to here'. "YOU GUYS HAVE BEEN ARGUING FOR TOO LONG JUST SHUT THE HELL UP AND ACT LIKE CIVILIZED PEOPLE AND NOT IMBREDS FOR ONCE! Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk." Shiro innocently smiled. Lance and Pidge looked at each other mortified and continued walking laughing their asses off at how much Shiro lost it.

      They walked to Olive Garden and went inside. "Uhh.." Shiro looked at us. "Five please." Shiro said to the waitress. She gestured for us to follow so we did and sat at a table close to another one. If you pulled out your chair it would probably hit the persons behind you. Keith was sitting in the middle of Lance and Pidge and across from Shiro, next to Hunk. The waitress asks what we wanted for a drink and we all answered. A few minutes pass and we get our drinks. 

    "I'm gonna uh- go use the bathroom." Keith says, getting up from his seat. His chair clanks with the persons behind him. "Oh- uh I'm sor-" Keith turns around to face the person who sat in the chair he bumped. His eyes go wide and his breath hitches in his lungs. He sets his hand on the table to steady him. He shakes violently. All sound was drowned out. All his thoughts were going through his mind at lightning speed. He needed help. He couldn't move. He was paralyzed, some would say. He felt a lump in his throat.

      YO I UPDATEd FOR ONCE WOWIE 1326 words. But this was a goOD cliffhanger im lowkey prOUd of this chapter??? also, i have a question-

Should i make a klance book where keith has telekenesis and is mute, and his parents are gone and where lance has an abusive and unsupportive dad.


A klance soulmate au in which keith loves to paint/draw etc and his dad rips up his drawings etc, Lance likes to play baseball and is v smart, has a crazy ex named lotor.

I probs will eventually do both but pls comment on which one you would want to see. thenks im struggling for ideas here ;') ILy gUYs 

i listened to 

how could you leave us-NF

wake up-NF 


AKA my favorite songs oops ^^^^

EDIT: THE FIRST OPTION (Telekenesis and mute Keith, Abusive unsupportive dad Lance AU) WON IM TOO IMPATIENT TO WAIT FOR MORE VOTES SO YES.

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