Chapter 29

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    "Keith!!" Voltron yelled synchronized.

     "What- What the fuck? Skunk head? Harry Potter's evil twin? Big fluffy man??" Keith replied giggling. They all flushed.

     "He's hella fucked up on meds. He told me I could be his boyfriend." Their eyebrows raised. 

    "I thought you guys were dating already??" Hunk asked. 

    "No Hunk, they're gay for each other but they're pining." Pidge responded.

    "Ah, I see." Hunk said back. Lance's face was vibrant red by the time they were done speaking. 

    "All right guys, cut it out. Lance is already a tomato."

    They nodded. Everyone just kind of stared at Lance and Keith, who were cuddled next to each other. "So, how is Keith alive right now??" Shiro questioned. 

    "Basically their machines are absolute shit and he was in a coma for three days and they didn't tell us 'till now sooo.."

  "What the fuck?? This hospital is filled with fuckin' dunce, dipshit, wanker lookin' asses." Pidge spat. 

    "Hey! Language!" The one and only mom friend said.

   "No! Fuckity fuck fuck fu--" Pidge was interrupted as Shiro's hand went over her mouth. She bit his finger. "Ow!"

    "This hospital is a crock of sHIT!!" Pidge yelled. Keith and Lance snickered at Pidge's little outburst. They stopped as soon as Shiro gave them a glare.

    "Heyyyy.... Guys, let's just go get some stuff from the vending machine huh?" Hunk tried to calm everyone down. They nodded. 

    "We'll be back Keith!" Lance said cheerfully.

    "Mmm.." Keith was already dozing off. Lance chuckled. They headed out to the halls and walked to the vending machine. {yes there are vending machines in hospitals.} they found one and walked towards it.


    "Dude. What the hell?! Three musketeers suck. Twix bars are the real MVP's." Lance howled in response.

    "Wrong. Hershey's white chocolate cookies and cream is hella bomb." Pidge retaliated. 

    "Get your white lookin ass outta here. Fuckin' white chocolate pff." Lance scoffed. Pidge crossed her arms.

    "You all are wrong. Almond Joy is the best." Shiro declared. 

    "Ew, what?!"

    "N O!"


    Shiro sighed. He couldn't please aNy of them. He could sell his soul to Satan just to buy them a unicorn and they still wouldn't be happy. Brats. He couldn't deal with them sometimes. Hunk and Keith were the nice ones. Keith can be angsty at times but on the inside he's a softie. They all got their own candy and then froze.

    "Wait a minute. What candy does Keith like??" Lance questioned. 

    "Uhhhh... I uh-- I don't know.." Hunk thought.

    "Let's get him a Kit Kat." Shiro said. 

    "'Kay." Lance agreed.

    They walked back with their candy. They creaked open the door only to see a sleeping Keith. They walked into the room closer to him. Keith seemed to notice their presence and jumped awake. 

    "Ah! what the hell? Am I alive? The fuck-- LANCE!!" Keith shouted the last part. Lance smiled. 

    "Hey buddy... How ya feelin? Are you finally not high on meds?" Lance chuckled. 

    "What- high on-- the fuck are you talking about, all I remember is seeing you, then black, then nurses flipping out saying 'he's alive!' I felt like Frankenstein with all of them yelling that." 

    Lance laughed softly. "We brought some candy from the vending machine. We didn't know what you liked so w-we got you a Kit Kat."

   "What the fuck is a Kit Kat??" Keith seemed confused.

   Lance gasped. "YOU HAVEN'T HAD A KIT KAT BEFORE?!

    "No, my dad who fucking stabbed me, killed my mom, and worked with a guy who raped me,  so of course he's not gonna get me candy. Lance you tard. I have never had candy in my entire life. Well maybe just little suckers on Halloween when I snuck out but that was it." Keith said like a smartass.

   Everyones eyes widened. "Well damn okay." Pidge responded.

    "Well, Jesus Christ what do you think?" Keith responded with a blank stare.

    "Okay, then try this." Lance handed Keith the candy bar. Keith took off the wrapping and smiled. He took a bite and his eyes lit up. He gasped. With a mouthful, he talked, 

    "Oh my GOd this is the best candy I've ever had! Wait, I've only had suckers so I guess that makes sense..." Keith rambled as he continued to eat his chocolate Kit Kat. Lance smiled. That was his Keith... WAit, did he just say HIS Keith?! Oh hell no. I'm falling hard... SHit.

   Keith finished his Kit Kat. Everyone ate their candy and sat down chatting. Keith groaned.

    "What is it?" Shiro asked concerned.

    "Ah, my si-side... I must've opened the wound.." Keith grunted.

    "Oh, uh they said they were gonna give you stitches in a few... Sorry I totally forgot." Pidge mumbled.

    "STITCHES--ah!" Keith clutched his side.

    "I'll go get a nurse or doctor..." Pidge ran out of the room.

    "Hey, hey Keith buddy, calm down.. You're gonna be okay..." Lance comforted him, grabbing his other hand. Keith nodded.

    A tear slipped out of Keith's eye. He looked at Lance, smiling. My heART. My gAY HEART. Well, bi to be exact. ANyWAYS.. Lance smiled back. He needed to confess his feelings to Keith. Like, vERY soon or he would combust. Keith was in so much pain. Lance felt terrible. He was the reason Keith got stabbed after all. He pushed Lance out of the way.

    A nurse came rushing into the room. She picked up a communication device and called some other doctors. "Stitches! Room 317!! Urgent! Open wound!" She spoke into the device. A few other doctors rushed in.

     They kicked everyone out of the room. Keith insisted Lance stayed but they wouldn't let him. They sat in the waiting room. Hunk was biting his nails, Pidge was tapping her foot anxiously. Shiro was pulling at his hair, Lance was pacing filled with anxiety.  

\\\TIME SKIP (brought to you by Shiro's fabulous eyeliner.)\\\

    The doctors allowed them to come in. Keith was sound asleep. 

    "Keith may go home tomorrow.. We should wait until his stitches aren't fresh." The doctor said to me. I nodded. "Thank you." She left the room to attend to other business. Everyone except Lance went home. Lance stayed the night in the hospital. He wanted to be there when Keith woke up. 

    And he was there when he woke up. 

    "Hey bud."

    Keith jumped. "Ah, I forgot where I was for a second."

    Lance snorted. "You're just oblivious."

    Keith scowled at Lance. His face suddenly got serious. 

    "Hey Lance?"

   "Yes, Keith."

    He hesitated.

    "I think I love you.."


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