Chapter 18

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Keith was lying on a cold floor. What the hell? Why is it so cold? Keith thought shivering. His eyes fluttered open and he was in a dark, small room. The floor was wet and cold. He sat up and he wasn't in his hospital gown. What? Keith thought looking down at his regular clothes. His eyebrows furrowed as he heard footsteps. He listened closely. He then heard a scraping noise. What the fuck? Keith thought listening more. It was a blade of some sort scraping on the wall. Jesus Christ is this a horror movie. Keith thought. In situations when he was scared he made the situation comedic so he wouldn't get scared. He was scared deep down. He stood up in a ready position to fight. What the actual fuck? Keith thought. His memories flashed before his eyes, which most of them were sad or traumatizing. Am I going to die? Keith thought to himself. The scraping stopped. Worry displayed on his face. Why did it stop? Keith thought worriedly. Fuck, shit, shit, shit, fuck, fuck, shit, fuck. What the fUCK!? Keith thought basically internally screaming. He was still confused on why it stopped. Holy fuck I'm dead. Keith thought. He stared at the walls. He sat for a while, but finally decided to get up and go to the door. He wiggles the handle. Locked. Of fuCKING COURsE. Like I said, I'm in a horror movie. Keith thought. He turned back around to the rest of the room. The walls were moving? No I'm probably hallucinating. Keith thought rubbing at his temples. He closed his eyes and breathed in and out. He opened his eyes to see the walls still closing in on him. Holy fuck, am I high? Keith questioned himself in his mind. He started hyperventilating. I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die. Keith curled in a ball on the floor not caring if he got dirty. He panicked and started breathing heavier.
Lance woke up to Keith's heart monitor beeping fast. He practically jumped out of the chair and ran towards Keith's side. He looked down at his face. It looked like he was scared, his eyebrows in a worried expression. He was hyperventilating. Lance didn't know what to do.
Keith ran to the door. He wiggles the handle vigorously. Still locked. Of course it's still locked, what was I thinking. Keith thought to himself. He curled up in a ball on the floor. He rocked himself back and forth. He closed his eyes. He rubbed at his temples. He opened his eyes and he was strapped down at his wrists and ankles. Just a bad dream, Keith. Get over it. He told himself. He struggled to get out of the restraints. I can't do it. Shit, I'm too weak. Keith thought. He wiggles and tried to get it loose.
Lance looked down at Keith. He was moving his hands to scratch at his wrists. No, he was clawing at them. "Keith what are you doing!?" Lance said panicking. "S-Stop it! Stop hurting yourself, Keith!" Lance said holding Keith's wrists back. Keith was too strong. Keith pulled his hands from Lances grip. Lance sat on top of Keith to hold his hands back easier. He knew how wrong this looked, but it was for Keith. His mama would say 'if your friends jumped off a cliff, would you?' He would. He'd jump off a cliff for Voltron.
The walls were closer. "S-Stop it... go away. GO AWAY!" Keith mumbled and yelled.
Keith let out a groan from his struggle. He tossed and turned his head. "S-Stop it... go away. GO AWAY!" Keith mumbled and yelled in his sleep. "K-Keith..?" Lance said with tears pricking his eyes. Keith shot up, his face inches from Lances. "O-Oh hi.." Lance said laughing softly. "Hi.." Keith shyly said to Lance looking at his lips then back at his eyes. Lances hands slowly made their way to Keith's back. Keith shivered from the touch and his back arched. Lances mouth made its way to Keith's ear. "I really like you, Keith... Do you like me?" Lance whispered in his ear earning shivers from the other. 'Lances voice is fucking hot.' Keith thought. Keith's face was bright red. "Y-yeah.. I like you a lot..." Keith said his voice cracking. Lance laughed softly, "You're so cute." Lance said nibbling at Keith's ear. He moved to his mouth. Their faces were so close that they could feel warm breath on each other. Lance made the first move by slamming his lips on Keith's. Keith was taken aback, but soon melted into the kiss. The kiss was passionate, as Lance bit Keith's bottom lip, earning a groan from Keith. Lance swapped places with Keith, so Keith was on his lap now. Lance ran his fingers through Keith's hair. So smooth. Lance slipped his tongue in Keith's mouth. Getting a moan from Keith. They pulled away with a string of saliva connecting their lips. Keith stared at Lance with a surprised look on his face. "You liked it." Lance said with his signature cocky grin. "N-No.." Keith said looking down, his face red. "Yeah right! You fucking moaned! You sounded so hot I almost got a boner!" Lance yelled laughing. Keith's face was his favorite color, red. Keith fell into the pillows, covering his face in embarrassment. "Hey! Don't be embarrassed!" Lance said laying down cuddling his backside. Keith turned around so he was facing Lance. Lance kissed Keith's nose. Keith sat up. "Wait!" Keith said grabbing his phone. "I almost forgot." He said going to his texts.
((Imagine this as Keith lmao))

((Imagine this as Keith lmao))

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SpicyBoi: It's Britney bitch

SpaceDaddy😤: jeSUS CHRisT


PidgeOn: what a stereotypical gaye, and what tf took u so long did u and Lance fuck or smth

LanceMcMeme_420: no (sadLy)

LanceMcMeme_420: not yet at least 👀😤🙌🏼🙏🏼😉😩

PidgeOn: that's fookin gaye m8

LanceMcMeme_420: says the lesbian for Shirhoes gf

hOnk: :000

SpicyBoi: :00 o shit


PidgeOn: laNCE WTF U HOE



Lance slammed his phone down. "What the actual fuck just happened?" Keith asked. "Idk fam. But I'm definitely locking my doors tonight." Lance replied. "Damn I thought she was aromantic.." Keith said. "Bitch me too, the fuck." Lance said.


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