Fight Me

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The street was quiet with the exception of the rain pattering on the ground around you. Normally you liked this weather, but today you were in a particularly terrible mood. You're best friend who you'd been pining for since grade school asked a girl out.
She was a beautiful rose haired grad school student. They were pretty perfect together. You'd always felt he was out of your league, though he never treated you that way.

Whatever as long as he was happy right?

A small grumble escaped you as you continued toward the co-ed dorms, head lowered, your soaked hair matted to your face. The door swung open when you reached it sending you into a mud puddle.

"Watch it." A deep voice rumbled.

What an asshole.

You wiped your hair out of your face with your left wrist as a tall redhead stalked away not seeming to care that he'd flung you to the ground.

"Sorry about that guy." A softer voice approached, shielding you with his umbrella.

Long blond hair covered most of his face but even with that you could see his bright sapphire eyes.

"Are you OK?" He held out his enormous hand.

"Uh, sure." You muttered taking his hand and pulling yourself up.

You'd seen this pair of guys around the dorm before. The redhead never smiled - not that you had seen. Most people found them intimidating and unapproachable.

"You'll catch a cold wandering around in the rain like this." He murmured ushering you back to the double doors.

"Thanks." You offered the best smile you could muster in the moment.

"Oh, I'm Killer, by the way." He grabbed your hand giving your whole body a good shake, "I'll make sure he apologizes later. He's sort of on a mission to kick someone's ass."

"F/N," You replied, "and don't worry about it. He doesn't seem like the apologetic type."

Killer smirked, "Ya got that much huh?"

"Killer, hurry the fuck up!" The redhead shouted standing on the lift of his gigantic truck in the parking lot.

"You should go before he switches targets." You chuckled pulling the steel door open.

"Right, right. See ya 'round F/N." The blond turned.

"Sure." You muttered heading inside.

Soaked to the bone and on the verge of tears, you huffed toward your empty dorm room. Your roommate dropped out two weeks in to the semester, so at least you could go sulk uninterrupted.


You stopped short, in shock eyeballing your best friend as he waited for you in the campus coffee shop. The bridge of his perfect nose was taped. The dark circles that usually lined his silver eyes were deep and wide with a purple tint. There were small cuts in his bottom lip and left cheekbone.

"What the fuck happened to you?" You moved forward cupping his face gently.

"Ah-" He winced pulling you into the seat next to him, "Turns out Perona was already seeing someone. One of his friends saw us making out in the library yesterday."

You had to stifle the 'I told ya so' that was trying to creep out of your mouth. You'd warned him that she might be trouble, almost nothing you heard about her was positive.

"I'm sorry." You murmured instead, rubbing his back.

"It's OK, you told me I shouldn't." He ran his hand through his messy black hair.

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