Don't break my heart

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You and Law had arrived at the party together but somewhere between Sabo, his brothers and the huge crowd you lost him. You continued to mingle not terribly worried he'd find you eventually.

"An English major huh?" Rumbled the greenette you'd just been introduced to.

"Mhm." You hummed trying not to stare at the scar over his left eye, "I want to be a professor one day. What about you?"

"Engineering, that's how I met Kid." He replied.

You turned to refresh your drink at the makeshift bar and when you turned back he was gone.

"Zoro?" You called glancing around.

Who leaves mid conversation?

"Ah there you are!" Killer smiled giving you a hug, "Staying warm?"

You held your drink up.

"I actually lost Law. Have you seen him around?"

He glanced around having a better vantage point than you, before stopping abruptly and dipping down.

"Don't worry about it F/N. I'm sure he'll turn up."

"You saw him didn't you?" You crossed your arms.

He sighed nodding to the right. Your heart sank as the crowd thinned revealing Law tonsil deep with Robin a TA from the history department.

"Sorry." Killer rubbed your back.

"It's fine. Not the first time." You faked a smile and turned searching for the door.

"It isn't though." He rumbled, "I know you aren't together but you came together damn."

"I appreciate you getting upset for me. Really, it's alright." You ran your hand down his arm before turning for the exit.

"F/N!" Killer called after you.

"Just need some air." You waved.

Your breath was visible in front of you as you stepped out of the barn into the cold night air. Jamming your hands in your jacket pockets you strolled along the side of the building finding a swing dangling from a huge neighboring oak tree.

The swing overlooked a large lake that seemed to shimmer, mirroring the clear night sky. You took a seat on the wooden plank and swayed back and forth pushing yourself lightly with the toe of your boot. There had been plenty of times where you had to deal with this feeling. He's an attractive popular guy after all. This time felt a bit different. You were angrier that he ditched you than you were about seeing him make out with a woman you didn't think you could hold a candle to.

"You'll catch a cold out here." Kid's voice caught your ear.

"Not much warmer inside." You pointed out, "And the view is better."

He stood behind you grabbing the chains that attached the swing to the branch above and pulled you back.

"That's true. Where's goth boy?" He let go of the chains letting your feet leave the ground as you swung forward.

"He found a TA to hook up with." You sighed, "I'm gonna see if Killer will give me a ride."

He stayed quiet and continued to push you.

"What are you doing anyway?" You asked a bit uncomfortable with the silence.

"Needed some air." He shrugged.

You only hummed in response.

"There you are." Law called stalking up the small hill.

Kid pulled you to a stop allowing you to stand.

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