Don't be anyone else's : Part Two

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"U-hm." You sputtered eyes still locked on Law's now furious expression.

"What?" Kid puffed sitting back following your gaze, "Shit."

Before you could wiggle out from under Kid he was being yanked out of the driver's side door. The thud of fists making contact with firm bodies filled the otherwise quiet parking lot.

You scrambled across the seat.

"Don't think I won't kick your creepy ass again." Kid growled.

"Stop!" You shouted throwing yourself onto the pavement.

Law had shoved Kid into the side of the truck and was reeling back for another blow. You stepped forward palm open colliding with Law's cheek. His eyes widened as he dropped his arm and turned to you.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Your voice strained.

"I could say the same for you F/N." He spat releasing his grip on Kid's collar, "You couldn't even give me a proper answer first?"
"I don't want to talk about this here." You pushed him back, "I'll walk you to your room."
"Will you be OK?" Kid asked eyes still fixed on Law.
"Of course she will." Law barked.
"Just go." You turned him around before going back to Kid.
"I know. Text me when you're done." His expression softened as you searched his face.

You reached up frowning at his bloody lip and bruising cheek.

"It's nothing." He caught your fingers, "Go deal with that. I'll wait."

You gave him an uneasy smile and joined Law. Neither of you spoke during the short trek to his room. He turned the light on and closed the door.

"Shachi's working nights again?" You guessed glancing at his roommate's empty bunk.

He only nodded flopping down on the small love seat. You slouched down next to him searching for the proper things to say.
"I'm sorry." He muttered, "You started to turn me down and I wouldn't let you."
"I just... Without even knowing I moved on I guess." You shrugged.
"I'm an idiot." He ran his tattooed hands through his messy black tresses.
"I think slow is more fitting of the situation. I mean I did wait an unreasonable amount of time. And you just beat up my first kiss." You sighed.
"It was awfully heavy for a first kiss." His brows knit.
"It was probably terrible for him." You laughed awkwardky.
"Didn't look like it." He frowned, "Does it have to be that guy F/N?"
Heat danced across your cheeks, "I think so."

"If he pulls anything - "
"Yeah yeah, you'll inflict bodily harm. If you guys weren't so similar you could probably be friends." 
"Doubtful." He grumbled.
"Are we OK?" You asked.
"Yes, of course. I can't be upset with you over my own short comings. But if you ever feel like upgrading..." He attempted a coy simper but managed to just grimace. 
"I'll let you know." You chuckled, "You should put some ice on that eye." 


"What the hell happened to your face?" Killer looked up from his work as Kid entered with a satisfied smile tugging at his bloodied lips.
"I kissed her." He answered throwing himself into his desk chair.
"And she kicked your ass?" Killer guessed standing to get the first aid kit out of the bathroom.
"No, we were making out in the parking lot and he caught us." Kid almost laughed.

He wasn't just happy that he'd made physical contact with someone for the first time in four months. That someone was you. From the instant your fist made contact with his jaw you were on his radar. The adorably angry face you'd had when you looked up into his amber glare stayed with him. To top it off he'd managed to pull you from Law's clutches which shouldn't have been a victory... but it was.

"In my truck? Gross." Killer emerged with the first aid kit and tossed it to Kid.
"Shut up."

Mouse: Sabo is making me go to my room
Mouse: Come by tomorrow?

Kid: Sure


You flopped onto your mattress replaying the last couple of hours. You'd really wanted to talk things over with Kid before the night was through. Stupid Sabo. A light tap on the door drew you from your thoughts.

"It's 2AM." You grumbled opening the door to find Kid standing in the hall, "It's 2AM!" You repeated in a hushed shout yanking him into the room.

"I'm glad you know how to tell time." He chuckled.

"Shut up. If Sabo catches you in here we'll be in trouble and I'll never hear the end of it from his brothers." You swatted at his arm.

"Calm down no one saw me." He pulled you down onto the futon with him, "Why's your face so red ~?"

"Sh-hut up." You placed your palm on his chest and pushed him back regaining some personal space, "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I couldn't sleep." He shrugged, "And I wanted to talk to you about earlier."

"Ah yeah I wanted to talk to you about that too. A few days ago Law decided to tell me he loved me." He frowned as you continued, "And a few months ago I might've been excited about that but's just my friend. I hadn't been able to turn him down yet and that's why he flipped out."

A look of realization washed over him but he didn't say anything, just tipped your chin and roughly claimed your lips. His tongue slipped into your mouth seemingly melting your spine as you surely became a puddle right there in his lap. He moved his right hand up fingers coiling up in your locks. A soft hum rumbled through his chest.

Suddenly you were under him, frame of the futon squeaking as he positioned himself between your thighs. His lips hardly left yours keeping you in a lofty nervous haze. This was the most you'd ever done with anyone and though you definitely wanted to remedy these needy feelings, you knew you weren't ready. You shuddered feeling the lump in his jeans grind against you. He rose above you caressing your cheek as he looked over your flustered features. You honestly never imagined he was capable of being so gentle. Lowering himself again he pressed his forehead to yours brushing noses; with a very serious expression on his face.

"Can I stay with you tonight?"

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