Don't worry about me

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Kid couldn't fight the weirdly cute smile that crept over his face when his phone buzzed. Whipping it out at an unnatural speed to read whatever text he'd received.

"One small gesture and you've got all her attention." Killer commented resting the game controller in his lap.

"Shut up." Kid sneered thumbs still tapping away.

"Gotta say I'm a bit jealous. And a little grossed out." The blond sighed.

Kid's attention snapped up from his phone.


"Nothing. How is your mouse?"

Kid gapped and turned away, "She's not mine."

Killer let out a throaty laugh at his best friend's expense. This was the first time he'd seen him react so innocently to a girl. Even Perona didn't stir this side of the redhead.

Mouse: Don't feel like working today 😥

Kid: Isn't Shanks out til the end of the week?

Mouse: Oh I started a second job.  💰💰 

Mouse: At the front desk of the Cavalier Inn. It's alright I guess.

Kid: That's far you are you walking?

Mouse: Until I can afford cab fare or an uber account... Uh yeah.

He bit the inside of his cheek resisting the urge to tell you to check in with him later. Truthfully since the night in the alley he didn't want you to walk anywhere just as much as Law and Killer. Though he'd never admit it.

Kid: It's cold out

Mouse: Yeah mom I have a coat.

"So am I going to this party on my own?" Killer groaned.

"No I'm coming." Kid stood stretching.

The Newgate's New Year's party was about to start and the boys had to drive a good 30 minutes to get there. By the time they arrived there were already drunk people milling around everywhere. Kid huffed not exactly thrilled to spend the evening with people he didn't know very well, but Killer wanted to come and he's not one to just leave his best friend hanging especially if there's free booze.

Sabo greeted the pair introducing them to his brothers and of course pops. They grabbed a couple of beers and set off to mingle, well Killer anyway. Kid usually hung behind, signature scowl scaring most of the girls away while Killer talked and flirted. He watched his best friend with a bit of envy at such events. He wasn't trying to look scary; of course his gruff personality and short fuse didn't help much. Truthfully most girls found him quite attractive but even with Killer's help he was difficult to approach. If he did get lucky enough for a girl to stroll up to him he had no idea how to make conversation without being a bit crass.

"Didn't know you were chummy with the Newgates Eustass-ya." Law's smooth voice caught him off guard.

"Sabo invited us." He stated evenly, "What brought you out of your layer?"

Law cocked a brow at the redhead who was smirking proudly at his own remark.

"I come every year. Usually with F/N."

Kid's smirk vanished at the mention of your name. Even though he was your friend and you were much more pleasant to him something about the way he said it that bothered him.

He stood quietly nursing his beer. Law shifted and let out a deflated sigh bringing Kid's attention back to him.

"Look I don't know what's going on with you guys...if anything at all but if you-"

Kid's almost demonic chuckle interrupted him, "I know you aren't about to threaten me corpse lover."

Law's jaw tensed eyes narrowing, "I don't know what she likes about you."

"Nothing." Kid snarled, "Get the fuck away from me."

The redhead stalked away angrily.

"You guys are going to have to figure out how to get along." Killer placed a hand on Law's shoulder.

The raven groaned pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Hey stranger ~ " A familiar sugary voice cooed as Kid stepped out onto the porch.

He practically deflated as the pinkette approached.


"Still mad?" She pouted very clearly drunk.

"Not at all." He breathed, "I honestly could give a shit."

"Ho ho ~ well if you aren't mad~" She snaked her arms around his neck, "We could have a little fun. For old time's sake."

"No thanks." He blurted dipping out of her grasp.

Perona scoffed planting her hands on her hips, "C'mon Red."

"Don't call me that. I always hated it." He growled strolling away.

He made his way to Killer's truck pulling his coat tighter before lying down in the bed legs dangling off the tailgate. The countdown followed by cheers sounded off from the house as his phone began to ring. Rolling his eyes he slipped it out of his jeans a surprised smile carving into his features.

"Hey mouse." He did his best to keep an even tone.

"Hey, I thought you'd be wasted by now." You teased.

He relaxed into the cold truck bed arm folded behind his head.

"Not really feeling the party. What are you calling me for anyway?" Not that he didn't mind.

"Just walking home. Talking to someone keeps me from being creeped out." You breathed, "Usually Newgate parties are pretty exciting. Did you get into a fight or something?"

"Not really." He shrugged, "The ex is here. So I'm hiding out."

"You? Hiding from a girl?" You chuckled.

"Shut up." He came off more playful than intended, "I think I'm gonna bring my bike back tomorrow."

"Oh yeah?" He could hear the smile in your voice, "You missed me huh?"

"What? No." Kid answered far too quickly.

"Kid!" Killer shouted from somewhere nearby.

"You're being summoned." You muttered.

"Yeah." Kid sighed sitting up so Killer could see him.

"I'm almost home. You go have fun maybe I'll see ya tomorrow yeah?"

"We'll see." He murmured, "Happy new year mouse."

"You too." You breathed hanging up.


You'd arrived at the dorms fifteen minutes after hanging up with Kid. It seemed weird and somehow natural to call him on your way home, though you'd never done anything like that before. Maybe because he was usually giving you a ride? Things seemed to be changing. You didn't feel like punching him in the face as often as you used to, not that he didn't still piss you off regularly.

The next day you woke up brimming with nervous energy. Kid had text you first thing that he was on his way back saying he might stop by. You milled around for a while cleaning while blasting music then heading to the store for something to eat managing to burn a couple of hours. On your walk back from the store your phone began to ring forcing your heart into your gut. An adorable picture you'd taken with Killer flashed over the screen.

"Hey!" You cheered.

"F/N, I'm on my way to get you." His grim tone sent a chill down your spine.

"T-to get me?" You echoed confused.

"There's been an accident." 

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