Doesn't Matter

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You were laying on the sofa with your legs dangling off the armrest and the back of your head cushioned by Killer's lap as the blond soothingly ran his fingers over your scalp. You'd had a migraine for three days now and the regular over the counter stuff the doctor said you could take a limited dose of was not helping at all.

"Killer?" You hummed eyes closed, absentmindedly running your hands over your belly.
"What's up?" The blond murmured.
"Have I ever told you that you're my favorite?"
"Many times, but I like hearing it." He chuckled.
"Get a room." Kid groaned from the lounge chair across from you.
"Stop being jealous." Killer scolded.
"I'm not." The redhead grunted betrayed by his indignant tone.
"If it bothers you we can stop." You offered opening your eyes slightly to squint at your boyfriend.
"It's fine really." He muttered, "Better than you being in pain."

If Killer wasn't his best friend he'd kick his ass. In the last five months you'd grown even closer to the blond. It wasn't in a romantic way of course, you just felt like you needed his company. You liked to tease that the baby just wanted their uncle. Now that your body was changing there were tons of aches and pains that came along with it. Kid tried to help you he really did and even though he was capable of being gentle with you, massages were not his forte. Killer on the other hand was like some sort of healer. You often went to him when your feet, head or back were hurting.

Kid hated it.

He loved you and his unborn baby and just wanted to do the best for both of you but unfortunately for the time being that meant letting Killer help comfort you. And you didn't help always showering him in compliments, not that you didn't make up for it by giving Kid all of your love and affection, but still.
Kid looked on, mind wandering while you rubbed your rounded belly to keep yourself from scratching the itchy new stretch marks that covered it. He chuckled inwardly at how adorably embarrassed you were when they started popping up, magenta splotches that resembled the marks on a watermelon. You refused to be shirtless in front of him for a week.

You finally started to doze off in Killer's lap. He had been prepared for that; both men knew you were too uncomfortable to get a full nights rest at this point and allowed you to nap wherever and for however long you could. If that meant he had to sit on the sofa for another hour with numb legs then so be it.
Kid stood taking the blanket off the armchair to cover you as he passed. You caught the wrist of his right arm startling him as he spread the blanket over you.

"Check it out." You murmured placing his palm flat on your belly.

This had happened many times, the baby would kick or move vigorously but the moment Kid touched you all movement would cease. All this time he still hadn't known what it felt like, though the baby kicked for Killer and Trafalgar all the time. He watched your hand gently resting on his, trailing his amber orbs up to your face as something round but still sort of pointy, an elbow maybe, pushed his hand back. You winced in discomfort which gave him mixed feelings. This weirdly solidified the whole pregnancy for Kid, this was real. Not that it wasn't prior to, but he couldn't experience what you could. He'd been there for every sonogram and heard the baby's heart but this was tangible. At the same time he didn't like that it seemed to pain you. He was not prepared for labor at all.

His eyes shot back to your belly in surprise as a flurry of kicks assaulted his palm. You rubbed his forearm while his hand lingered waiting to see if the baby had anything else for him today. Killer chuckled forcing Kid's eyes back up.

"That's an amazing expression." He commented.

Kid realized his jaw had slacked and his eyes were a little misty.

"You really live up to your name." You laughed looking up at the blond while your redhead collected himself.
"Born to kill every moment." He shrugged smirking cockily at you.

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