First Impressions

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"Are we there yet?" A girl with a huge purple fro asks twiddling her thumbs. "You asked that 30 times already." A guard says getting annoyed.

He was in a helicopter with one of the newest dangerous threats to Nanba prison. Inmate 75. She was impatiently waiting for her next "resting stop". "Why did you guys put this metal thingy on my neck?" The girl says with a chuckle. "It's so that you won't steal anything." The guard says staring ahead.

"What a pity." The girl says her eyes turning red.

Meanwhile at Nanba prison:

"Here are the files for the new inmate." Hajime says placing files on the Warden's desk. "Thank you." The Warden says grabbing the files. "Naomi Ritsuko? The thief and hacker?" The Warden says looking at Hajime in the eyes.

"She hates me so much." Hajime says to himself. "We have been informed it's that one." Hajime says standing straight. "Put her in building 13, Cell 13." The Warden says skimming through the files. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Hajime says looking intently at the warden. "How dare you talk back to her!" Monkey says preparing to hit Hajime with a stick.

"I'm sure this will be wonderful." The Warden says reading the files aloud:
Naomi Ritsuko-
Ethnicty- African American
In jail for being a hacker, thief and occasionally a killer. Eye color signifies whether she is happy or mad. Her most recent jail was a jail in America." The Warden reads putting the papers down.

"Why are you putting a girl in the same room with four boys?" Hajime says with confusion on his face. "Perhaps we could tame the boys..." The Warden says with a straight look on het face. "You may leave." She says staring at him.

"He looked at me so intently. I was about to crack! He is so handsome..." The Warden says to herself watching Hajime leave.

Meanwhile in Cell 13:

"They just caught someone else!" Nico says looking at his laptop. "Is it a girl or a boy?" Uno says looking at the screen. "Doesn't say." Nico responds skimming through the text. "I'm bored." Jyugo says laying on the floor. "And I'm hungry." Rock says grabbing his stomach.

"Wait it says they are a hacker and a thief!" Nico says cheerfully. "So they must be smart..." Uno says grinning. "Smarter than Jyugo?" Nico asks. "Of course." Uno responds standing straight. "No one's smarter than me..." Jyugo responds calmly.

"Ugh...this collar is annoying!" A voice whines. "Inmates you have a new friend!" Seitarou says walking outside the cell. A brown skinned girl with a huge purple afro stood in front of the cell. Her left eye was lavender while her right was maroon. She had a orange jumpsuit in which the bottoms were made into shorts that stopped halfway down her thighs. She had long sleeves and wore long boots with sharp heels. They were black and lavender and looked like sneakers. The last things she wore were two huge metal shackles on her wrists and a metal choker.

She also had her inmate number on the backs of her hands. And her nails painted lavender and maroon. Seitarou opens the cell and pulls her in. Then he locks the door and leaves.

The four men gawked at the girl. "This isn't real are you a man or something?" Rock says scratching his head. "No I'm not!" The girl says her eyes turning red. "Prove it." Jyugo says closing his eyes. "What?!" The girl says glaring at them.

Without another word she pulled out a picture. It was her with a bloody knife. "What the hell?!" Uno says moving back. "Oopsie wrong picture." She says pulling out another one. It was a her at the beach with a bikini. "I'm taking that..." Uno says staring at the girl. She shoved it back in her pocket.  "Who are you?" Jyugo says not in the slightest amused. "Naomi Ritsuko." She says putting her hands on her hips.

"Professional hacker and thief?!" Nico says jumping. She nods and moves farther back into the cell. She pulled out a phone and began putting in codes. Two seconds later the metal choker popped off. "This is the most easiest code I ever seen!" Naomi says with a laugh.

She stomped on the choker and smiled wickedly, her eyes turning a bright green. "She is so cute." Uno says smirking. "She's sixteen hands off." Jyugo says staring at Naomi. "A two year age gap isn't that important." Uno says glaring at Jyugo. "What do you guys do for fun around here?" Naomi asks smiling. "We escape." Jyugo says with a straight face.

"You guys are better than I thought." Naomi responds applying plum lipgloss. "Time for lunch, inmates." Hajime says approaching the cell. "Stop calling us that we have names you know." Jyugo says looking out the cell. "Are they too hard for you to remember?" Uno asks tipping his hat. "You guys are yanking my chain!" Hajime yells.

"You must be Hajime." Naomi says walking up to the cell bars. "I'm sure we'll have lots of fun..." Naomi says with a giggle. "I'm not going to be seduced by a 16 year old!" Hajime yells.

"Who said I was seducing you? Your way too old for seem like you are in your fifties." Naomi says with a laugh. Jyugo gave her a high five. "Go and eat!" Hajime says broiling.

The inmate walked into the lunchroom. Naomi sat at her own separate table. While the other four sat with Honey and Trois. "Is that a girl over there?!" Honey says getting excited. "First girl inmate at Nanba..." Trois says smiling. "Oh that's Naomi." Rock says stuffing his face full of food.

"She's in our cell." Jyugo says eating his food. "Lucky..." Honey says rolling his eyes. They all stared at her (like creeps) and she gave a wink. "I'm going to go ask her something..." Honey says getting up.

"Hey Naomi." Honey says approaching Naomi. "Hey." Naomi says putting her hand on her face. "You look lovely." Honey says kissing Naomi's hand. "Aren't you quite the charmer." Naomi says smiling. "What's your favorite color?" Honey asks gazing at her.

"Oh, my favorite color is purple." Naomi responds. "Is it the same color as your undergarments?" Honey asks with a wicked smile. " undergarments are the floor..." Naomi says getting up. "Oh really...but the floor isn't red..." Honey says with a confused look on his face. "Yes it is." Naomi says elbowing him in the nose. He collapsed to the floor. Blood dripped from his nose on the floor. "Ooh this is a very pretty red." Naomi says getting on her knees.

Honey's hair turned into red and yellow arrows. He put the middle finger up at Naomi. "I can break that too." Naomi says with a giggle. She kisses him on the cheek. She walks away casually and sits at another table. "I though you were good at this." Trois says laughing with the inmates.

"If only I had my precious knifes." Naomi says to herself looking at the boy's table. "But I have my phone to hack so that's all that matters." She says sighing.

"Hey." Jyugo says sitting at Naomi's table. "I guess it's your turn to meet the floor." Naomi says her eyes turning green. "No, I'm just bored and wanted to ask something important." He says staring at Naomi. "I noticed those shackles...they look exactly like mine." Jyugo says examining her shackles. "Oh yes these things...I'm trying to find the man that put these on I can kill him." Naomi says her eyes turning red. "Wait...did he have a scar on his neck?" Jyugo asks. "Yes he did. You know him?" Naomi asks. "I'm looking for him as well..." Jyugo says.

To be continued:

Nanbaka: Inmate 75Where stories live. Discover now