Nico! Don't Touch That!

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"What do we do?" Nico says pacing around the room. Uno was about to speak and Jyugo cut him off. "Ooh I have a idea!" Nico exclaims picking up Naomi's phone. "NICO DON'T TOUCH THAT!" The three screamed in unison. Nico pressed a button on Naomi's phone and Naomi wasn't on fire anymore.

"See." Nico says proudly. "What up mothaf*ckas!" Naomi says putting her middle fingers up. Her tongue was sticking out. Her eyes were turning different colors.

"You guys ready to partay!" Naomi yells pumping her fist in the air. Uno, Jyugo and Rock glared at Nico. "This is why you are the dog." Rock says.

"Why the f*ck is this place empty?" Naomi ask spinning on her heel. "Reminds me of Rock's head!" She says knocking on Rock's head.

"Hey..." Rock says rubbing his head. "Probably the chip is affecting her brain?" Uno says with a shrug. "Is that a wig pretty boy? It's awfully ratted!" Naomi says with a laugh. "Naomi!" Uno says grabbing his braid. "Who's Naomi? I'm Devilene The Demon Queen!" says with a evil laugh.

Sorry for the short chapter but I really wanted to post 2 chapters fast! Thanks for the reads!💜✌💜✌💜✌💜

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