Toughening Up Seitarou:Phase 1

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Yamato ran down the hall with Naomi on his shoulders. "Why are you doing this exactly?" Yamato says with a grin. "I'm bored." Naomi says casually. "Left!" She says pointing left. Yamato went right. "What the hell?! How did you get a job here?!" Naomi yells hammering at his head.

"You're fast...but dumb as hell!" Naomi says pounding harder. They heard crying on the intercom. It sounded like Seitarou. "Turn around dumbass!" Naomi yells. Naomi hopped off while he speeded ahead.

"I have no time for this..." Naomi says dusting herself off. She could hear footsteps behind her. Seitarou was running with tears in his eyes.

"Hey." She says grabbing his wrist. "Why are you upset?" Naomi says crossing her arms. "The warden is going to fire me! Or at least decrease my wages!" Seitarou said between weeps.

"Jeez no need to be a b*tch about it." Naomi says putting one hand on her hip. "She's on a business trip is she not?" She asks putting her arm around his shoulder. "She is." Seitarou says calming down. " worries." Naomi says with a sigh. "You need to toughen up buttercup!" Naomi says slapping his back.

He winced in pain. The alarm stopped. "Looks like they caught him." Naomi says with a eye roll. "But next time you will catch him." She says with a approving nod.

"Wha...what?! I can't!" Seitarou says alarmed. "You're right. You're a doormat and a lousy excuse for a prison gaurd." Naomi says sticking her nose in the air. Seitarou started to cry again.

"That was a failed miserably." Naomi says shaking her head. Naomi walked around him. She examined him. "When I first saw you I thought you were a girl." She says with a laugh.

He started to cry yet again. " suck at this." Naomi says flipping her hair. "Teach me." Seitarou says lifting his head up. "Since I have nothing else better to do." Naomi says with a yawn.

"Kay...first is language." Naomi says randomly pulling out a chalkboard. "To get your point across to 'shitty little brats' you need to speak their language." Naomi says pointing to the chalkboard.

Seitarou nodded approvingly. "Repeat after me...hell." Naomi says sounding like a teacher. "" Seitarou stammered.

"You can say it! It's not even a damn curse word!" Naomi spat. "What do you do when you are frustrated?" Naomi says kicking the board away.

"I breathe." Seitarou says with a smile. "You need to be more ass...ertive." Naomi says sticking her tongue. "So...I am going to break you." She says with a laugh.

Amazing over 100 reads! You guys make me wanna keep making more and more chapters! And believe me there will be more!💜✌

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