This Is Gonna Hurt Me More Than This Is Gonna Hurt You

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Luckily they found Qi at the table sleep. "If it isn't another Jyugo." Naomi says poking at his nose. "Except I'm better." Jyugo says rolling his eyes. Naomi spun around and winked at the boys. She started screaming.

Qi fell off the table and did a fighting pose. "Medicine, Nico, now." Naomi says sticking her tongue out. "Not again....look I'm gonna need a few items to make the antidote okay?" Qi says with a yawn. "This isn't some kinda anime where we fetch your items buddy boy!" Naomi says putting her finger in Qi's face.

"Fine, fine my only advice is to keep Hachiman away from Nico." Qi adds walking away. "Who the hell is that?" Naomi asks. She spun around to see the boys running down the hall. "Dammit boys!" Naomi yells running behind them.

They ran back to where "Nico" was and seen Hachiman picking on Nico. "Hey big guy! Mess with someone your own size...which is no one I might are too fat to be doing all of this." Naomi says cracking her knuckles.

"Umm....Naomi I wouldn't be saying that if I were you..." Uno say pointing Naomi rapidly. "What are you going to do sing me a song?" Hachiman asks with a laugh.

Naomi's eyes glowed red. "Get off of Nico you pig." Naomi spat. She lunged at him with full claws and scratched him. "Aww....girlie is mad." Hachiman cooes. "Umm...Hachiman I wouldn't say that if I were you..." Uno says rapidly pointing at Naomi.

"Get off of my..." Naomi stopped herself and fell to the ground. She started to cry. "That was anticlimactic." Hachiman says dropping Nico. "What the hell Naomi?" Rock says patting her back. "Wait you said my..." Jyugo says raising an eyebrow.

"I must tell you guys something." Naomi says getting up. "I had a brother..." She adds cracking her knuckles. "What a relief..." Jyugo whispers. "N-Nico just reminds me so much of him..." Naomi says glaring at Nico. "I'm sorry for your loss." Uno says taking off his hat.

"Lost." Naomi corrects him. "Lost?" He asks. "He's alive...I just hadn't seen him in years." Naomi says stomping her foot. "Let's not talk about him okay?" Naomi adds closing her eyes. "Cute story but-" Hachiman starts. Naomi snapped her fingers and set him on fire.

"Gahhhh!" He screams running away. Qi walked in and chuckled. "Here's the it to him is the hard part." Qi says placing the syringe in Naomi's hands.

"Nico smells pills..." Nico says. Naomi pulled out a container of pills. "These are my demon control pills..." She says opening the up. Nico lunged at her and bit her arm. "You will feel a little pinch!" Naomi says stabbing his neck with the syringe.

He fell down. Naomi winced in pain as she looked at her arm. Nico's eyes fluttered open. "W-what happened?" Nico says sweetly. "Nico!" The boys say pulling him into a hug. "NAOMI! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR ARM?!" Nico yells scrambling over.

"F*ck this sh*t I'm out." Naomi says grabbing her arm and walking to Kaguya's office.

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