Momoko's Rival

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Momoko sighed after a long day of work. She gathered her papers and skimmed through them. "Yo!" Naomi says bursting through the door. Naomi hopped on her desk and started kicking her feet.

"Hello!" Momoko says cheerfully. "I just have to thank you for the bathroom." Naomi says with a nod. "No problem." Momoko says looking the files over. "You did great out there 1st place." Momoko says giving Naomi a thumbs up. "Barely." Naomi says hopping off. "Hey. Since you are Warden don't you like make rules or some sh*t?" Naomi asks.

Momoko giggled. "Kinda. Why?" She asks raising an eyebrow. "Can't you like abuse your power to get Hajime?" Naomi ask sitting in a chair. "I think about that everyday!" Momoko says with a sigh.

Monkey burst in with a letter. "Here you go Warden." Monkey says preparing to leave. "And I know it was you who put that ball on my head." Monkey says glaring at Naomi.

Naomi stayed quiet. Monkey raised an eyebrow. "What you expect a reaction out of me? You should be pleased." Naomi says leaning in her chair.

Monkey shrugged his shoulders and walked off. "Hmm...another Warden is visiting tommorow." Momoko says reviewing the letter. "That means I should probably warn the boys not to break out tommorow." Naomi says with sarcasm in her voice. Momoko didn't notice though.

"Her name is Ichigo Musaki." Momoko says with a nod. "Hmm." Naomi says with a smile.

Naomi and the boys were asleep in their cells when they heard a woman's voice. " must be really strong..." The woman's voice says. A nervous chuckle from Hajime was heard. The inmates popped up and looked outside the cell.

"Ow! I wanna see too!" Nico yells. "Hey get your hands away from my..." Naomi starts. A woman with red hair appeared. She had green highlights and green eyes. She wore a uniform similar to Momoko's accept it was white and more classy. She wore fingerless gloves and red boots with spikes.

She seemed like she was in her late 20's. She looked bubbly and peppy. She was clinging on to Hajime's arm.

"Oh, these must be the inmates." The woman says clutching Hajime's arm. "Or known as sh*tty little brats." Hajime says rolling his eyes. The woman gave an over exaggerated laugh. "You must be Ichigo." Naomi says holding back laughter.

"Yes I am." Ichigo says with a smile. "This handsome man showed me around." Ichigo says stroking his shoulders. Hajime turned red. "That's not a handsome young man that's just Hajime." Jyugo says with a yawn. "I think I'm gonna be sick." Nico says holding his stomach. "Hajime, you finally found love. How they grow up so fast." Uno says with a sigh.

Ichigo giggled and dragged Hajime down the hall. Naomi sighed then widened her eyes. She thought about Momoko. She smiled and stared outside the cell. "Looks like Momoko has a little rival..." Naomi whispers.

"...And that's why I love that anime!" Nico finishes after a long lecture. "God...please...make it stop." Rock says through his hands. Ichigo walked past and peered through the cell.

"Hey! I have to ask you guys a question!" Ichigo says cheerfully. "Why? We're inmates." Jyugo says rubbing his eyes. "I just wanted to ask if Hajime had a girlfriend." Ichigo gushes.

"Yup...throwing up now." Nico says grabbing his stomach. "No he doesn't." Uno says quickly. "Listen guys if we do this maybe we'll soften him up." Uno whispers. They all smiled and nodded except Naomi.

"Best day ever!" Ichigo says merrily. "Oh there he is!" Ichigo says grabbing his arm. "Oh...hi...Ichigo." Hajime says staring at her. Momoko walked passed. She stopped and dropped her papers. Her eye twitched. "Oh! You must be Momoko!" Ichigo says giving Momoko a hug. "V-very nice to meet you." Momoko says clenching her fist.

"I just came to get inmate 1275." Momoko says pulling out keys. She unlocked the door while twitching. She dragged Naomi to her office.

"Kyaa!" Momoko screamed. "Shh...shh!" Naomi says sitting on the desk. "Calm...down..." She adds.

"Who does she think she is?!" Momoko says slamming her desk. "God how do you deal with a angry girl?" Naomi says in her head.

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