Furry Fury

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"Ughh...what happened?" Naomi says slowly getting up. She was laying on a mat and she was clearly still in cell 13. Uno, Jyugo, Nico and Rock were all sleep.

She suddenly grabbed her side once she realized she was tased there. "Damn it." She says with a slight moan of pain. "It's a beautiful night..." Naomi says looking outside. "Your awake...I'm glad...I was getting worried." Jyugo says rubbing his eyes.

"Thank you." Naomi says sitting down. "For what?" Jyugo says his face full of confusion. "For caring." Naomi says her eyes turning hot pink. They quickly turned back to normal.

"Your eyes have been doing that a lot...you okay?" Jyugo says scratching his head. "Oh, yeah I'm fine." Naomi responds quickly.

"Anyway...I have a twin sister..." Naomi says changing subjects. "Really? That's shocking." Jyugo says stretching. "Her name is Elena she's a half demon like me too. She just can't control it as much as me." Naomi says with a smile.

"I couldn't help but notice that scar on your neckline." Jyugo says pointing at Naomi's neck. "Hey let's not talk about that..." Naomi says covering her neck.

"This is random, but Hajime has a cat." Jyugo says changing topics. "Aww! I wanna see it!" Naomi says freaking out. Jyugo looked with concern. "Um...I mean wow..." Naomi says wiping a bead of sweat. "He hides it in the break room cause his apartment doesn't allow pets." Jyugo says putting his hands on his head.

"What's that on Uno's head?" Jyugo asks pointing at something furry. "Oh that's a huge spider." Naomi says casually. "A HUGE SPIDER!" They both yelled. "Wha...what's wrong?" Uno asks. He had a facial mask on. "Oh...nothing!" Naomi says starting to sweat. "Have a look." Jyugo says pulling out a mirror.

"WHAT THE HELL? GET THIS OFF OF ME!" Uno spat. "Calm down." Naomi says slowly walking around him. "What's happening?" Rock says waking up. "Wow nice hat." Rock says. "THIS ISN'T A HAT YOU TWIT!" Uno yells.

"Use your powers or something." Jyugo says looking at Naomi. "You want me, to use my demonic powers to get a spider off of a man's head." Naomi says crossing her arms. "I'm pretty sure that's what I just said." Jyugo says.

The spider jumped off of Uno and crawled on the floor. They started to freak out and ran in the corner of the room. "Hello guys I'm up!" Nico says with a cute smile. When he saw the spider he fainted. "Kill it with fire!" Rock yells. Naomi snapped her fingers and fire attacked the spider. To their surprise ...nothing happened.

"What the hell is this thing?!" Naomi barked. She snapped a picture on her phone and began typing. "And...it's poisonous..." She says glaring at it.

"This thing is so big Hajime can put it on his head and call it hair." Jyugo says inching away. "Feed it something." Uno says looking at Rock. "Man...I was saving this turkey leg." Rock says pulling out a turkey leg.
"JUST THROW IT DAMMIT!" The 3 yell in unison. Rock threw the turkey leg at the spider and it threw acid at it. "I'm gonna f*cking puke." Naomi says holding her stomach. Naomi made a floating shadow bed for Nico.

Seitarou walked pass the cell. "Pretty boy wait!" Naomi says reaching through the cell.

"You should honestly get back to sleep." Seitarou says preparing to walk off. "There's a spider in here!" Uno yells. Seitarou looked over at the spider and passed out. "What the hell kinda guard are you?" Naomi says shaking her head.

"Duh! You can make a shadow spider to lure it out!" Uno exclaims. "Great idea." Naomi yells. Naomi copied the spider in shadow form and lured it out of the cell. "Phew." They all say in relief. "Oh...now we have a rampaging poisonous spider on the loose." Naomi says facepalming herself.

They all groaned and laughed uneasily afterward. "That spider looks familiar." Naomi says wiping sweat.

The next morning everyone woke up cautiously, for the spider was running loose as they speak.

"Wake up sh*tty little brats." Hajime says through the cell. "And a good morning to you, Saitama." Naomi says rubbing her eyes. Nico giggled. "Pss...we can't forget about the S-P-Y-D-E-R." Jyugo whispers. "Nice try." Uno says patting Jyugo's back.

"You have a visitor demon brat." Hajime says walking away. A girl with straight maroon hair with a bang approached the cell. She wore black ripped pants, a black leather jacket, a black tank top and black combat boots. She was holding the bars with her black painted nails and gloves.

"Elena! It's funny seeing you here!" Naomi says running to the cell. "It was hell to get here." Elena says with a chuckle. "Is this your twin sister you were telling me about?" Jyugo says looking at Elena's eyes.

"Yeah our eyes are the same color and we are in fact, twins." She responded. "I got worried, my baby didnt come home." Elena says looking in the room. "You have a boyfriend?" Uno says.
"I knew that spider was yours." Naomi says with a laugh. "That thing almost tried to ruin my face!" Uno barked. "That was yours?" Rock asks looking at what was left of the turkey leg.

"Yup, Fury tends to do that a lot." Elena says nodded. "When we were younger Elena had a strange desire for spiders." Naomi says with a toothy smile.

"My jail name is Arachnid Kid." Elena says turning around. She had a huge spider icon on her back. "Did you find him yet?" Elena says changing tone. "You can say it aloud Jyugo knows." Naomi says pointing to him.

"Knows what?" He says scratching his head. "That gaurd! My sister has shackles on her ankles." Naomi says pointing at Elena's feet.

"I'm surprised you go to jail too." Uno says with a nod. "I'm not in jail now but if I do something bad one more time I'll wind up in this sh*t hole." Elena says crossing her arms. "She does vandalism!" Naomi says giving Elena a high five through the bar. "That's why that gaurd keeps staring at me like a threat..." Elena says pointing a Hajime.

"Well I have to go now, but would you guys do me a little favor?" Elena asks preparing to leave. "Sure." The inmates say in unison. "Find Fury for me." She says with a wink and walked off.

"WAIT SIS! WHAT THE HELL?!" Naomi yells after her. "Well...we're f*cked." Naomi says shrugging her shoulders. "Not necessarily." Jyugo says rubbing his head. The four were waiting with anticipation to hear more.

"Oh...I was trying to sound smart..." Jyugo says with a chuckle. The four groaned and laughed sheepishly. "Breakfast brats." Hajime says opening the cell.

"I win!" Uno says throwing the cards on the table. "Rematch!" Honey yells. This time Naomi sat with the boys. Tsukumo, Upa, and Liang approached the table. "I never seen you guys around here before." Naomi says with a grin. "That's a little strange." Upa responded. "Wow first girl inmate!" Tsukumo says with a laugh.

"I feel like I seen you from somewhere." Naomi says looking at Tsukumo. "Probably not!" He responded quickly. "No but I'm sure I seen you somewhere." Naomi says looking him up and down.

"Welcome to Nanba!" Liang says with a smile. Naomi noticed something furry on Trois's tray. Trois was watching Uno and Honey play cards. "Pss...Jyugo!" Naomi whisper shouts. Jyugo followed her eyes and seen the bug.

"Trois, look at your tray." Jyugo says. "Damn it Jyugo!" Naomi says facepalming herself. "YOU KNOW I HATE BUGS!" Trois yells. "Shh." Naomi says covering Trois' mouth. "We are trying to capture this thing." Uno says grabbing a bowl. He dropped it and the spider teleported. "WHAT THE HELL DOES YOUR SISTER FEED THAT SPIDER?!" Uno yells aggravated.

To be continued:

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