Arachnid Kid Is Here To Stay

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"Ow, ow, ow ow ow!" Naomi exclaims as Kaguya bandaged her arm. "Are you hurting?" Kaguya asks. "Nah...I enjoy this." Naomi says sarcastically. She hopped off the bench and looked in the mirror. "No demon powers for me." She says pouting. She walked out and leaned on the wall.

"I find it weird how Nico looses his pills after we catch Ichigo going yandere..." Naomi says to herself. "Who went yandere?" A voice says. "Elena?" Naomi says. "Hello dear sister." Elena says clapping her hands. "What are you doing here?" Naomi asks raising an eyebrow. "Are you that old? Remember I said if I screw up one more time I'll end up in this sh*thole?" Elena says with a laugh.

Naomi jumped up and down and squealed. "Sisters reunited! Ready to raise some hell!" They say in unison striking a pose. "Hey! Come back here!" Monkey says running behind Elena.

"Sadly we are not going to be in the same cell." Elena says grabbing Monkey's hand cuffs. She put them on herself and grinned. "They aren't that stupid." Naomi mumbles as she runs back to cell 13.

"I just really like her..." Jyugo says leaning on the wall. "Jyugo! You have a lover?" Naomi says with a squeal. Some part of her was enraged while the other was happy. "Umm...yeah het name is Boulder?" Jyugo says looking at Rock.

"Okay." Naomi says tapping her chin. "I have good news! My sister is finally here!" She adds hopping up and down. The inmates looked at each other and then looked back at Naomi. "Do we really need another one of you?" Uno says with a smile. "We are totally different!" Naomi says stomping her foot.

"I'm gonna go train." Naomi says walking out. This leaves the boys all alone free to talk about the topic they always talk about when they are alone. Girls. Preferably Naomi.

"I don't really see the problem." Jyugo says with a shrug. "This is actually wonderful news." Uno says tipping his hat. "Really?" Rock and Nico say in unison. "Damn right it is." Uno says with a spin.

"Let's say if you confess and she doesn't like you..." Uno says building up suspense. "We could possibly find out so you won't embarrass yourself!" Uno says standing straight. "So basically your saying Jyugo should make Naomi jealous?" Nico says tilting his head.

"Hell yeah." Uno says with a smirk. "Oh, I thought you were going to read her diary or something like that." Rock says pointing to a book on the floor.

"But that isn't the fun way!" Uno says sticking his tongue out. "But it's the easy way." Jyugo says with a sigh. He grabbed the book and it electrocuted him. He dropped it and stared at his hand. "I guess my plan it is then." Uno says with a smile. "You know I don't know how make girls feel special." Jyugo says rolling his eyes.

"Hey losers!" A voice chimes. They turned around to see Elena outside the cell with her pet spider. "Now Jyugo!" Uno whisper shouts. "Umm hey..." Jyugo says scratching his head. "You like my sister." Elena says blankly.

"WHAT!?" Jyugo says turning red. "Fine. I'll play along with your little game just because I wanna see my sister's soft side." Elena says with a chuckle. "This will be fun..." She mumbles merrily.

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