A Day With Naomi!

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"Wow really?" Naomi says her eyes going back to normal. "We must have been in the same prison or something." Naomi says with a yawn.

"Hey there." Trois says walking up to Naomi. "Hey..." Naomi says looking at Trois. "Ooh your a handy man." She says looking at his tool bags. "Could you possibly make me some knifes?" Naomi says her eyes lighting up. "Don't do it." Jyugo says with his eyes.

"I'm sorry I can't." Trois responds glaring at Jyugo. "What a pity." Naomi says looking at her fingernails.

"I'm sorry that my friend disrespected you like that." Trois says patting Naomi's back. "No worries. I experienced worse in other prisons." Naomi says her eyes turning green. "And if your trying to get me to tell you my bra size...forget it Romeo..." Naomi says glaring intently into Trois' eyes.

Trois backed away slowly, turning red. "You guys are like open books." Naomi says with a laugh. "But anyway, I've been looking for him for a while and now's my chance to find him." Naomi says turning her attention back to Jyugo. "Lunchtime is over. Training is next." Seitarou says shaking. "Calm down pretty boy we don't bite." Uno says walking to the training room.

"So we are going to program a computer?" Naomi says pointing to a computer in the training room. "Yes now get to it." Hajime says standing in front of the inmates in cell 13.

"Done." Naomi says crossing her arms. "What!? That was 30 seconds!" Nico says holding up a pocket watch. "Can I do something else?" Naomi says impatiently tapping her foot.

"Whoa!" Rock says examining the computer. "Not bad." Hajime says examining it. Naomi pulled out her phone and typed a few codes. The computer exploded in Hajime's face.

"NAOMI!" Hajime yells glaring at her. "No need to yell I'm right here baldie." Naomi says, her eyes turning green. "No need to say it. GO BACK TO YOUR CELL!" Naomi says doing her best Hajime impression. The boys laughed. And Hajime pulled her to the cell.

"What is wrong with you!?" Hajime says pushing her into the cell. "I'm doing what any other teenage girl prisoner would do." Naomi says sitting on the floor. "I know your the only girl inmate here, but that doesn't mean I can go easy on you." Hajime says walking away.

"You can always use the taser!" Naomi says waving bye. A few minutes later Jyugo appeared and picked the lock. "You can leave if you want." Jyugo says yawning.

"Wow thanks." Naomi says walking out of the cell. "I was going to use these keys I stole from Hajime...but I guess this is cool..." Naomi says pulling out a set of keys.

"Are you a killer?" Jyugo says staring at Naomi. "Only when I'm in my moods." Naomi says leaning against the walls. "Blood is appealing to me." She says her eyes turning green. "Like how Nico likes his manga?" Jyugo says. "Uh...yeah...." Naomi says touching her afro.

"Hey...how long do you plan on staying here?" Jyugo says leaning on the cell. "Not long of course...I plan to leave...this is just a pit stop for me." Naomi says staring at the ceiling.  "You say that, but we only make it to the last floor." Jyugo says stretching.

"Interesting." Naomi says lacing her boots. "We should get to woodshop..." Jyugo says walking away.

Trois and Honey were working on a bench while Uno, Nico and Rock were working on a table. "If it isn't mister middle finger." Naomi says adjusting her blue woodshop jumpsuit. "I'm sorry, I can't control my anger..." Honey says smirking. "I could have killed you." He says grabbing a piece of wood. "Ooh I'm so scared." Naomi says acting like a damsel in distress.

"This is just like the anime I was watching." Nico says with a cute smile. "Teenage girl kicks butt with discriminatory men." He says clapping his hands. "Can you even spell that?" Rock asks. "No, but I bet Jyugo can!" Nico says cheerfully. "D-I-S-C-R-I-M-I-N-A-T-O-R-I-E." Jyugo spells out incorrectly.

"That's not how you spell it." Naomi says shaking her head. "Jyugo's not good at spelling, only picking locks and escaping jail." Uno says putting his arm around Naomi's shoulder. "What a pity." Naomi says shrugging her shoulders.

"When I was born I woke up in jail." Jyugo says yawning. "Oh...I actually started going bad when I was 13." Naomi says leaning on Rock's and Nico's table.

"Buff the table so it won't cause splinters." Naomi says pulling out a splinter from her arm. "I'm buff." Rock says showing off his muscles. "No, not that buff." Naomi says hiding a giggle. They all stared at her. She pulled out a picture of her holding a knife. "Why do you keep pulling that out?" Uno says shielding his eyes.

"So I can remind you guys I'm here for the EXACT same reason you guys are here. Don't look at me any differently just because I'm a girl." Naomi says, her eyes turning bright red.

"So look at you like one of the boys." Jyugo says exchanging looks. "But your a girl and your different than us..." Nico says smiling. "How are we different?" Honey and Trois says smirking. "Wha...I'm tired of you pervs!" Naomi says her eyes turning red. She picked up a buffer and began buffing to table quickly.

"Hey,wanna have a little competition?" Honey whispers to Uno. "If it's gambling you already lost." Uno says pushing him away. "No...let's see who wins the heart of Naomi." Honey says fixing his collar. "Are you crazy? Your 20!?" Uno says glaring at him. "I win by default...since I'm the exact same age as her." Jyugo says with a yawn.

"Where did you come from?" Honey says glaring at Jyugo. "Prison." He responds blankly.

"Wow the table is smoother than before!" Rock says placing his hand on the table. "I know right." Naomi says sitting on it. "And it's  really durable." Hajime says looking at it. "How'd you escape!?" Hajime says realizing Naomi wasn't in the cell. "I stole your keys." Naomi says tossing the keys to Hajime. "Calm down Hajime just go in the break room..." Hajime says to himself walking away.

"This place is too cushy." Naomi says. "I know, the most comfortable jail I ever been in." Jyugo says walking behind her.

"How does he do that!?" Uno says slamming his fists. "He never even had a girlfriend!" Honey says staring at Naomi. "Ask her to join our fan club." Trois whispers to Honey.

"Hey you wanna join our fan club?" Honey asks approaching Naomi. "Don't you have to be a fan of someone in order to be a part of a fan club?" Naomi asks. "I was also talking to Jyugo..." Naomi says her eyes turning a pink rose color.

Her eyes quickly turned red.

"Check up time rats." Hajime spat. "Um...is that really necessary?" Naomi asks her eyes turning pink again. "Of course it is!" Hajime yells.
The inmates walked to Kaguya's office.

"You didn't tell me she was an android!" Naomi says, her eyes still pink. "Why are you so nervous? You are tough right!?" Hajime says chuckling.

"Why are you so bald? Go back to One Punch Man Saitama!" Naomi shot back. Nico started laughing hysterically and dropped to the floor.

"Y...you guys get it?!" Nico says chuckling. "If it's about anime then no..." Jyugo says with a yawn. Kaguya pointed at Naomi and beckoned her to come. Naomi walked slowly to her. "Why are you so nervous?" Uno asks walking behind her. "What is nervous?" Kaguya asks.

"A feeling of uneasiness." Naomi recalls, her eyes turning hot pink. Kaguya stared at Naomi. "What in the blue f*** is she doing?" Naomi says looking at Kaguya. "She's scanning you rat." Hajime says.

A printer printed out a piece of paper and Kaguya handed it to Hajime.

"What the hell!?" Hajime yells. "What's wrong Hajime?" Jyugo asks sneaking behind him. "Nothing rat!" Hajime spat. He walked out the room as quickly as he could. "Hee hee." Naomi says covering  her mouth.

"I'm so confused." Rock says pulling out a candy bar. "There's no reason to be confused." Naomi says her eyes turning a hot pink.

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