Turn Him Back!

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"Okay guys...this clearly isn't working..." Naomi says pacing around the cell. "He made Jyugo cry! Jyugo!" Nico says holding his head. "Well we all know Jyugo's a little moody." Naomi says dismissively. Jyugo glared but said nothing.

"But it is really unlike the little guy to act like this..." Rock says looking out of the cell. The halls were clear. Surprisingly. "He's acting tough, but we all know he's still a lil' chump inside." Naomi says with a nod. "What did you do to him exactly?" Uno asks. "Hmm....what did I do to him?" Naomi says rubbing her chin. "You dont remember?" The boys cry in unison. "Who would? Most of the time I was zoning out because he kept crying!" Naomi says defensively.

"What if we just try to bring him back by using the things he likes?" Nico asks. "Impossible. We don't even know his favorite color." Uno says blankly. They all looked at Naomi. She was humming and filing her nails down. "Wha?! I already told you guys I zoned out of him most of the time!" Naomi whines. "But...I guess I actually remember what the little punk was saying..." She says with a sigh.

Everyone ran over and hugged Naomi except Jyugo because we all know he's a little moody.
"Boiled tofu." Naomi says blankly. Shiro looked or glared at her. He grunted walking back into the kitchen. "Wow he's really excited to make it!" Rock says with a laugh. "Oh, so that's that emotion." Naomi says with a shrug. She held cherry pink and sky blue balloons in her hands. A sewing kit lay on the cafeteria table. Nico munched on Konpeito and Naomi angrily snatched it.

"He's here!" Uno yells walking into the cafeteria. Jyugo was on the other side still upset. Seitarou walked in like a badass...or at least he thought he did. "Shouldn't you brats be in your cells?!" Seitarou asks with a tone as cold as ice. "Seitarou! Glad you could make it!" Naomi says with the fakest smile ever. "It's Tarou." Seitarou says blankly. "Aww...you even changed your name." Naomi cooes.

She turned around to see the boys hiding behind tables. "Of course." She says unamused. "Sit down! Relax. Act like a wimp again!" Naomi says handing him candy. "Tch." Seitarou says biting it angrily. Through his sunglasses Naomi noticed something peculiar. His eyes glowed a warm yellow...

"Huh?" She says squinting her eyes. "Boys, a moment please." Naomi says inspecting Seitarou. "What?! Why?" Nico asks. "Just leave!" Naomi barks. They walked out the room quickly. Naomi pulled off his glasses. "Hey! What are you doing?" He says angrily. His eyes still glowed yellow. "Hmm..." Naomi says looking into his eyes. Staring creepily and eerily into them. She jumped back.

"Y-you!" She says with a chill.

"GET OUT OF SEITAROU!" She yells banging him on the head. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" He yells. A black and gray mist came from out of his ear. In the form of a teenage girl. Seitarou's eyes went back to normal as he fell to the ground. "I thought you were dead! Actually dead this time!" Naomi says staring at the misty figure.

"You know I can't actually die." A smooth british voice says calmly. "What are you doing here?!" Naomi says with an eye twitch. "Calm down buttercup, I just came to handle business as all. I'm closer than I think." The figure responds with a laugh.

"You are an enigma Esme." Naomi says shaking her head. "Well what do you expect?" The black figure says boldly. "I'll be seeing you..." The figure says leaving out window.

Naomi watched in shock. "How..." She starts. "Everything okay in here?" Uno asks stepping back in. "It looks like you just seen a ghost!" Nico says playfully.

Because that's exactly what she seen.

Authors note:

Wow thanks for the 500+ reads you guys are amazing. Anyway this was a cameo for my next nanbaka book.

Nanbaka: Dead or Alive

This one is a doozy for sure!

P.s as I previously mentioned I'll still be updating this book so yeah💜

EDIT: The book is officially out!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2018 ⏰

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