3- Were like scooby do thats me and you.

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ATTENTION- The name of the book will change to 'Falling for the guy who hates me' in a few days.



I must have been with Anna and Princesses in my room, shortly after I had changed clothes due to the 'drink incident'. We were busy sipping away at our drinks when Princesses spoke up.

"Shit! I mean uh oh." She swore at her phone. She quickly held the phone to her ears. "What do you mean your parents won’t let us date?" "What!" "Well what did you say?" "You can't let them do that." "Well try!" "What about us?" "Fuck you!"

Me and Anna watched her in silence until she ended the call. She had dropped her phone onto my bed and screamed into the pillow. "There there" I said tapping her forehead trying to comfort her, I wasn't very good at it, you see I don't think I did it right. "What happened I asked her?"

"He said we can't be together, apparently his parents found out about us and won’t let him date me because of where I come from." She cried. Me and Anna sat down on either sides of her. Anna was the first to speak. "It's going to be alright" Anna said to her whilst doing that comfort stroking thing. The one that everyone seems to be able to do but me, without scratching the person.

"He didn't even try and defend us... He.He.He said that I was awesome, perfect, the one. Why would he say that if it wasn't true." She cried. Awww poor Princesses I said to quietly for them to hear.

"Because he's a teenage guy." I said answering her question. I think I was meant to answer. She and Anna looked at me. Anna started sobbing again. "I don't think I will ever be happy again." She sighed. "Look Anna these things happen don't worry, you must not have been dating that long." Anna said. "How long had you been dating?" She asked.

She sniffed and looked up from her phone which was now on her lap. "3 weeks almost a whole month." She whispered. Is she for real? That’s not really long. I looked at Anna I could tell she was thinking the same thing.

"It could have been worse." Anna tried.

"How? How could it have been worse." Princess chocked.

"You could have been dating for long enough to actually call it a relationship." Anna said. My jaw dropped open I gasped. Princess jumped of off the bed. "How could you say that to me. It was a real relationship, you just don't know." Princess shrieked as she ran out of my room. She headed straight for the bathroom. Shutting the door with a *click*.

I looked at Anna and shook my head. "What?" She asked trying to hold back a laugh. I shook my head even more. "Oh come on like you weren't thinking it." She said. I stayed quiet. Mentally agreeing with her. She didn't by my silence. "See you do agree, see it's true though."

I got off the bed to get a snack. "BRB" I said to her. I heard her hum to show that she heard me. I made my way down the corridor. I heard Ryan, Chris and Jason talking about something. "Isn't that illegal or something." I heard Jason say.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

"I don't think so... It might be." My brother Chris said. I could hear a draw being opened. I heard someone move around the room. "Is this it?" Ryan asked. I carefully bent down so I could see through the key whole.

Through the small key-shaped gap. I could see the boys looking at someone thing. In Chris's top draw. "Yes this is it" I heard Chris say. I tried to move so I could be more comfortable.

The floor creaked.... Loudly.

The three boys turned around instantly. Chris nodded at Ryan who slowly began to walk to the door. I panicked. I heard the sound of a toilet flush, coming from the bathroom. I quickly and nosily ran down the stairs just as I heard the Chris's door open. I had jumped the last step.

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