28- Stage three : Managing the awkward feelings

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Allot happens in this chapter :-O *Gasp*
I had writers block, this is a shit chapter.
There are probably loads of mistakes which I was will try and fix on Thursday or Friday.
Vote please😬

Another year of this dreadful school, I thought as I walked into the school premises. My brother and Ben were behind me. I didn't yet have anyone to walk with, but I was planning on travelling to school with Antonia. She lived near me; I would be going to hers in the mornings.

It was the end out august, the first day of the school year. I was in year 10, part one of my GCSE year. I would sit them next year, in year 11. Chris was in year 11. It must be stressful being in year 11. Those exams at the end out year allow you to get into Collage. Your collage results allow you to get into University.

I couldn't wait to leave this school......It was meant to be the best in the area?!?! Skrrrrr! It was all lies. It used to be, until they started letting in more naughty kids. Now the school has more misbehaved than good kids.

I walked around school until I got to the library. I was looking for the notice board that told me where my new form room would be.

10ABC - P.35

P.35...Hey! That Chris's old form class. I wonder where he is.......
11ADE- J.14

Haha that was my year 7 form class room, until we swapped class rooms with one of the white house forms. I was in Purple house.

After I had located where my form was, I made my way towards it. I passed Antonia on my way there. She was with Melanie and Violet. They were laughing and catching up on their holiday events.

"Hay." I said.



"Hows your boy?"

The three responded.

"Hay, hi, we don't go out!" I said.

"What why?" Antonia asked.

After a 3 minute explanation I made my departure to form.

As I walked into the loud biology classroom, I sat down next to Nisa and Kamila. The other people I used to hang out with such as Ellie or Edward were not in any of my lessons. It was a bummer, but our group had fallen apart anyway. We would probably have all sat apart, as sad as it sounded.

I had Nisa, Kamila and Mellissa (who isn't in this class), they were nice, I could see myself hanging out with them. Allot of the friend groups seem to be changing this year. I need a new friend group, I wonder who I will end up with.

Ellie is in my form, but we didn't really speak much today. All she did was ask me if I still like Anna's brother. "Dunno" I had said in response. Honestly I was taken aback by the question. If I could tell Ellie, I could tell Anna that I still like him right?

That wasn't my worry though, I was worried about something. It was something really weird, something I couldn't explain.

For the first time ever....I was shy around a guy.

Now that was weird, but that's not what made it worrying.
It was worrying because that guy was-

"RYAN!" I heard Emma scream before she ran up to him and gave him a hug.
She had made sure that she knocked into me as she ran down the corridor towards him. I wanted to trip that bitch up, but she was already too far away from me. I really didn't like her.

I had walked out of the corridor and out into the playground. I don't know why, but I felt weird. I felt like I was on a drop ride, and that my stomach was doing back flips. I suddenly felt the need to avoid him, to not let me see him. When he had walked passed me, it was like my voice had gone. I couldn't speak, my mouth had automatically shut, and my eyes were glued to the floor. Yet as soon as he was gone, I was fine.


I couldn't be fine, how could I be fine when my confidence was going? I was becoming shy, this wasn't me, and I was losing myself. Allowing a silly little crush to control my confidence, turning it on and off like a switch.

I needed to find myself, find my confidence, and find me.

Why did I even like him?
As I walked home, I worried that Ryan would be there, with Chris; my brother, and Ryan's best friend. I was in for a shock when I got home, I big one. I was happy for Chris, but shocked at the same time. Chris had entered a competition during the holidays to go to a school abroad. Dad found the competion, as it's in the same country that he now works in.

Chris won, he was leaving next term.

Fist Anna moves, now Chris.

It was shocking, but I was proud of him. I was just a little jealous, he wins everything. I can't even win a raffle ticket. I wouldn't win if I was the only one who entered. Chris would win, even if there were a thousand opponents and he only bought one 20p.
I had texted Anna the news, the had replied straight away.

"Oh my god I'm actually proud of him, why can't my brother any win anything!" Anna laughed down the phone.

"Yeh, why can't he?" I asked more than agreed.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeh why?" I said having to clear my throat and repeat myself.

"I don't know, you get kind of weird every time I mention him...." She said.
"Oh....." I responded.

She thought I was over him, I felt kind of bad though.
I had to tell her the truth.

It was either tell her now, or delay it for how ever longer.

I knew I liked the sound of option two, but that would just make matters worse.

"Awkward silence." I said.

"You don't still like him do you?" She asked.


"Ashleigh?" She said in a warning tone.

"Maybe." I whimpered.

"You said you didn't!" She said in an offended tone.

"Well that's when I thought I didn't...." I defend.




"So when we meeting?"

Anna was still on the summer holidays, even though we had been meeting up allot during the summer holidays it was like we were slowly drifting apart. She would be going back to school next Wednesday. She had invited my over this weekend.
After that I wouldn't see her until late December.

At first I wanted her to come over, but she insisted that I come to her. She kept begging me, I kept refusing. She had told me that Ryan wouldn't be in, and that he would be out at Ben's until tomorrow. It was after then, when I agreed to come over.
As I walked down the road towards Anna's I checked my phone.

You walk slowly!
She had text-ed me.
Lol shut up!! Xx
I replied back.

I had gotten to Anna's house 2 minutes later. I had texted her telling her to open the door.
"PINCH PUNCH FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH!" I screamed as I lunged at the unexpecting Anna.

After we had pinched and punched each other, we went straight into her kitchen, she had a new cookie making pack. We began to get out the ingredients, when I sensed a third presence.

Anna had lied to me, Ryan was here.

More was meant to happen, but I felt like there was to much in it anyway.
So it's going to be mentioned in the next chapter......
Soo she told Anna the truth...I now she's been tricked into coming over!
What do we think of Anna?
What do we think of Ryan?
The next chapter is.....Anna's bday party!!

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