chapter 5

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I woke up , to someone knocking on my window. I open my eyes to see . The old woman again . I pulled down the window . " You know you can't park here" she said . God I wanted to punch her . " You are gonna have to pay 350 dollars for that" she said pushing her glasses back. " I certainly am not" I said coldly . " Okay your fired" she said with a stern look ." Please ..I need this job I'll do anything" I said with a frown. " Spend the whole day with Colby" she said as if she planned this all . " But what about Lilly Anna and Adam?" I said trying to change her mind.

" The children are in a field trip . She said . " Fine " I sighed I pulled my car out of the asylum and parked it one the road . I got out and walked back to the dreadful building. I walked to colbys room and knocked." Go away" he yelled I opened the door . I went in to only feel a vase being thrown at my direction. " What are you doing" I yelled. " Get out " he barked . "Unfortunately for the both of us ,I have to be here all day" I said

"Emma, please just leave me for now... please" he said as his eyes began to fill with tears. " Okay" I sighed as I walked out .
It broke me to see him like this. But I couldn't leave him . I went back in . To see him sitting on the edge of his window.     " Colby ,no " I screamed pulling him back . "What's your fucking problem" he yelled . " Mine?" I asked . " No your mothers " he said sarcastically.

" You were gonna jump" I said . As tears filled my eyes. " I'm not that insane , you wouldn't even care , besides who's gonna make u crazy when Im gone?" He said with a side smirk . " Why do wanna hurt me  so bad" I yelled at the top of my lungs which startled him . " I'm gonna hurt u before , you even think of hurting me " he said bitting his lip .

" Colby.. I just want to help " I said ,he walked closer and looked into my eyes. God I felt so insecure. " You have weak eyes" he said stroking my eye bags with his thumb. " Why haven't you been sleeping" he asked almost sounding concerned. " I am sleeping" i said knowing it wasn't the truth ."stop lying to me"  he yelled hitting a wall right next to my head . I couldn't take this he really is making me go crazy.

I left to room and came back in an hour. I opened his door to see him reading . " Hey " I said carrying his food in . " Emma Lavanya , diagnosis depression , age 16 . She had her heart broken and she went crazy after that, no cure was found to heal her " he said with a smirk on his face he looked at me and spoke as if he new my file of by heart . " Colby stop" I yelled trying to take it .

He pinned me with one hand to the wall and continued to read. " Emma , is now is now tittled as a sociopath,she wants to kill herself after finding out her boyfriend was dating her sister" he said out . "Colby shut up . " I yelled . He smirked and turned to the next page . " Today we tied her to a chair and put the calming injection in her wrist " he said with a chuckle.Then I got flash backs  I remembered how they did that all to me . My screams of pain ignored.

I pushed him of me and I went to the corner of the room . I curled up like a ball and just cried as the  flashbacks  replayed in my head. " U know we really are alike" he said sitting in front of me to see me cry . " Leave me alone" I yelled at him crying harder. There was minutes of no sounds except my sobbs . Until he broke it  " Wow a broken heart " he chuckled. " Painful" he said again. " Shut up, you win ,okay your making me go crazy ,but why what did I ever do to you" I cried.

" Nothing yet" he smirked. " I just wanted to help you get out, and you do this to me" I cried. "Hey " he began as he stroked my check. " This world is a crazy place , there always is a  spare room for you " he said with an evil laugh . " No" I said shaking my head . "Your not gonna put me in this place ". I said feeling weaker again .

He left the room to go do what every he did . I felt my eyes drifting to sleep. I felt being picked up and put on a bed then I felt the covers being put on top of me. " I'm sorry I'm doing this to you, but I can't let you hurt me " I heard colby say before I entered dream land .

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