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i know it can be kinda cheesy to write a fanfic and have the title be one of the artists songs, but i have a really good idea for this one ok

Chance’s P.O.V.

I woke up to see beams of light stream through my curtains. I rolled over to see what time it was on my clock.

10:38 AM

I smiled and sat up. I stretched out my arms and released a yawn. It was nice to have finally slept in this week. It’s Saturday and school was just about to end, but I still had a week left. My last day is this coming Wednesday, and I cannot wait.

I sat at the edge of my bed and stood up. I grabbed my guitar and walked downstairs. As I passed through my kitchen, I saw a note hanging on the back door.


Kevin and I are out to run some errands. Should be home a little after noon.

Love, Mom

I smiled and took the note down from the door and set it on the counter next to me. I liked being home alone. It gave me time to be by myself and think. But most importantly, I could sing at the top of my lungs.

Singing was one of my favorite things, next to playing guitar. My choir teacher has told me plenty of times that I should try out for a show like The X Factor or The Voice, but honestly, I don’t think I’m good enough. I mean, I’m just some 17 year old girl who likes to sing Lewis Watson songs in the shower. I don’t think I have anything special about me.

I opened the back door and stepped onto my porch. I let the fresh scent of the beach fill my senses. This was one of the many perks of living in Huntington Beach, California.

I walked over to one of the porch chairs and sat down, resting my guitar in my lap. I started strumming the strings playing my favorite song, After Tonight by Justin Nozuka. I sang the lyrics quietly, listening to the sound of the guitar. I felt relaxed, when I heard someone yell next door. I jumped a little and leaned to the left to see what was going on. That’s when I saw my neighbor, Wesley.

Yes, that’s right, Wesley Stromberg from the up and coming group, Emblem3, is my neighbor. You’re probably thinking ‘Wow, how lucky!’ when in reality, he barely even notices me. To be honest, I don’t even think he knows my name.

Wesley, Keaton, and Drew all went to the same school as me. Drew and Wesley have graduated and Keaton started getting home schooled after they placed fourth on The X Factor. Everyone at my school worshipped them and was rooting for them to win. I thought they were talented, but I never really payed attention to their performances. I just didn’t really pay attention to the TV. I would rather read a book than watch a show.

I watched as Wesley chased after their dog, Sampson. He kept trying to pick him up, but he would just run away. I watched in amusement as he kept running after the small dog. Eventually, he did catch the dog and let him back inside. He then sat down on a chair on his porch. I went back to playing my guitar.

I started humming along again, when I felt someone watching me. I looked up and saw Wesley staring right at me. He smiled and waved at me. I felt my heart race, not with excitement, but with nervousness. I’ve barely talked to this boy and now he’s observing me in my own back yard. I didn’t know what to do so I just smiled and looked back down at my guitar.

"What song you playing?" Wesley shouted from his yard. I snapped my head up and stared at him. He was smiling and waiting for an answer.

"Uh, After Tonight by Justin Nozuka." I shouted back. He smiled and nodded.

"Good song, kinda old." He said.

I shrugged my shoulders. “Yeah, but it’s one of my favorites.” I said. He nodded and started walking over. He stepped through the bushes that kept our houses apart and walked up the porch steps and sat in the chair across from me.

"We’ve never officially met, have we?" He asked. I shook my head no and he put his hand out in front of me. "Wes Stromberg." He said, smiling. I had just noticed how breath taking his smile was.

I smiled and put my hand in his. “Chance. Chance Graham.” I said as we shook hands. He released my hands and set his in his lap.

"Did we go to school together?" He asked.

I nodded. “Yeah, but you were two grades ahead of me.” I said.

He sat there, staring at me, when his eyes widened a little. “Wait, didn’t you sing in the talent show?” He asked. I nodded slowly. “You sang House of the Rising Sun, right?” I nodded again. “I remember that! It was awesome! You have an amazing voice actually.” He said with a smile.

I felt my cheeks turn a little red and I stared down at my guitar. “That actually means a lot coming from someone who has songs on the radio and an album out.” I said. I looked back up at Wesley and he smiled.

"You should sing me a song right now." He said, leaning back in the chair. I raised my eyebrows at him, a little surprised at the sudden interest in my voice.

"Umm, okay. What song do you want me to sing?" I asked, shyly.

"You pick." He said, with a small smirk on his lips. I nodded and thought to myself. A song came to mind and I moved my capo to the second fret. I started strumming the chords to The A Team by Ed Sheeran. I sang the lyrics, my voice a little groggy at first comparing I had just woken up, but it settled in to the song.

I finished the song and looked up at Wesley. He smiled and clapped. “You’re really, really good.” He said, smiling. I blushed and said a small thank you. He opened his mouth like was going to say something, when his phone started ringing. He answered it and said a few “Yeah’s” and “Mhmm’s” and then hung up his phone.

"I have to go, but it was really nice talking to you, Chance." He said as he got up from his chair. "I’ll see you around?" He said, more as a question than a statement.

"Yeah." I said with a smile. He smiled and started walking away. Now I know why so many people from school wanted Wesley and his band to win. He had a charm that made people like him.

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